Teachers’ Domain Launches Polar Sciences Collection

The new Polar Sciences Collection from Teachers’ DomainNSDL Annotation includes 20 new resources, lesson plans, and student activities funded by NSF as an education activity of the International Polar Year. Teachers’ Domain has also catalogued other resources already on the site that complement the Polar Collection. Nearly all the new resources are available in the Open Educational Resources section, which means they are available for public download and reuse. The student activity “Observations of Climate Change” is a new feature on Teachers’ Domain that gives students a chance to engage with qualitative and quantitative data as they examine issues affecting the Arctic and the rest of the world.

“We hope that these materials will help bring polar sciences into classrooms across the country and help to focus attention on the importance of the work taking place during International Polar Year,” says Ted Sicker, PI of Teachers’ Domain, an NSDL Pathways project. “We plan to expand the special collection later this year with the 40 new resources we’ll be developing as part of another NSF-funded project called Engaging Alaska Natives in the Geosciences.”

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