Archive for May, 2009

Top 10 New Species Announced

How many species were described for the first time in the literature in 2007? Five hundred? 1,000? 10,000? Would you believe 18, 516? That’s right, in a single calendar year! “The majority of the 18,516 species described (named) in 2007 were invertebrate animals (75.6 percent), vascular plants (11.1 percent) and vertebrates (6.7 percent),” reports […]

Posted in Topics: Biodiversity, Life Science, Taxonomy

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Time to Review with Those Restless Middle Schoolers

It’s that bittersweet time of the school year. The good news is the end is near, and the sad news is the end is near! You and your students have worked hard both academically and socially and some strong bonds have developed. Take full advantage of the understanding, trust and respect you now have with […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science

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Lack of Blow Flies Leads to the Truth

Forensic science is always interesting to students. The mystery and puzzle solving are hard to resist. Here’s a real case you can use to get students thinking scientifically while integrating knowledge of insect life cycles—a timely topic for spring. The reports how the unsolved cause of death of a woman in Las Vegas was […]

Posted in Topics: Forensics, Insects, Life Science, Methods of Science, Science

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Influenza: History, Science, Strains, Detection and Protection

Every middle school student has heard of the flu. They may even have had it, or more likely, they have had some other virus described as the flu. Most students would consider the flu unpleasant, but probably not potentially fatal. Now is a good time to help students learn more about influenza. But where do […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Microbiology, Science, Social Perspectives

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