Archive for October, 2008

The Beauty of Blood

Halloween is approaching and the gore of blood is often a part of the scene. But how about turning your students on to the beauty of blood—the amazing beauty of how it accomplishes all it does?
In middle school, students often investigate the circulatory system and memorize the flow of blood from lungs to heart, to […]

Posted in Topics: Cells, Life Science, Science

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National Chemistry Week: Oct 19- 25, 2008

In middle school, students are progressing in their knowledge of what matter is, what it is made of, how it behaves and changes, and how it can be manipulated. These phenomena are the nature of chemistry. So why not use the term “chemistry” with students and celebrate National Chemistry Week? This year the American Chemical […]

Posted in Topics: Agriculture, Chemistry, Food Supplies, Science, Technology

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No Child Left Inside! Earth Science Week 2008

If you fear taking your students outside might be misinterpreted by observers as an undeserved recess, think again. With the slogan, No Child Left Inside–actually an official act of Congress–the American Geological Institute (AGI) is once again promoting Earth Science Week.  Need a little more motivation? Read this excerpt from Last Child in the Woods, […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Earthquakes, Science, Weather

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How Does Bird Diversity Affect the Incidence of West Nile Virus in Humans?

Now here’s a relationship not many middle school students would stop to consider: bird species diversity and West Nile virus incidence. A press release dated October 6, 2008, indicates researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have collected evidence that shows an inverse relationship between bird species diversity and West Nile virus. Thus, urban […]

Posted in Topics: Biodiversity, Birds, Ecology, Insects

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