Archive for January, 2009

A Breakthrough in Nerve Cell Regeneration

When you conjure up an image of cells, what do you see? What do you think? You may see a snapshot of an animal tissue, perhaps with actively dividing cells. That’s understandable because, as animals ourselves, we’re aware that cells come from other cells, thus the need to undergo mitosis, or cell division, frequently.
But one […]

Posted in Topics: Cells, Evolution, Genetics, Life Science, Science

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Discover the Universe in the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)

Discover the Universe in the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)
Are you an astronomy enthusiast? Do you have students who excitedly tell you about what they saw most recently through their own telescope? Then you are probably also aware that the Earth and Space Science content standard for grades 5-8 of the National Science Education […]

Posted in Topics: Astronomy, History of Science, Science, Space, Technology

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Individual Freedom, Public Health, and Science Literacy

It’s flu season. Have you been vaccinated? Many of us choose this option because it makes sense to us personally; we prefer to avoid illness wherever possible! Have you had your child between the ages of 6 months and 18 years immunized, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)? That question may cause […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Life Science, Personal Safety, Science

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New Year’s Resolution: Go Green!

Wind power is recognized as a clean, quiet, feasible alternative electricity source around the world. When you think of wind power, what image comes to mind? A wide expanse of undeveloped land dotted with sleek, rotating turbines? What about rooftop turbines right in the city, similar in arrangement to solar rooftop panels?
The published a […]

Posted in Topics: Conservation, Earth Science, Energy Transfer, Science, Technology

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