Archive for the 'Social Perspectives' Category

We Are All Connected to the Oceans: A Lesson to Help Students Understand the Ways Humans Impact Marine Ecosystems

Students can look at a globe or map and readily see that water dominates our planet. However, do students know that over 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water? Do they realize the importance of the oceans?
Currently, 80 percent of all people live within 60 miles of a seacoast. Yet many adolescents still do not think […]

Posted in Topics: Climate, Coral Reefs, Earth Science, Environment, Life Science, Marine Biology, Oceans, Science, Social Perspectives

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What’s Happening to Polar Bears? Real Data, Claims, and Evidence

Looking for a way to incorporate real data into your science class? Or maybe you want to work on evidence-based claims and reasoning. Perhaps you need an engaging way to tackle the subject of climate change. This lesson uses polar bears and sea ice data to promote critical thinking within the context of an important […]

Posted in Topics: Climate, Environment, Life Science, Social Perspectives

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We Choose the Moon!

Are you old enough to remember hearing those words spoken by President John F. Kennedy? I’m not, but I have a distinct memory of the night of July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon—the first humans to set foot on a celestial body other than planet Earth.
I was seven […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Science, Social Perspectives, Space, Technology

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Polar Bears and PCs: Technology’s Unintended Consequences

How Does an iPod Affect a Polar Bear?

Photo courtesy of Amanda Graham (Yukon White Light) via Flickr.
When we talk about the problems of global climate change, we tend to focus on cars and coal-burning power plants as major contributors. Yet there are other significant players, including consumer electronics. The number of cell phones, MP3 players, […]

Posted in Topics: Climate, Electricity, Energy Consumption, Environment, Social Perspectives, Technology

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Influenza: History, Science, Strains, Detection and Protection

Every middle school student has heard of the flu. They may even have had it, or more likely, they have had some other virus described as the flu. Most students would consider the flu unpleasant, but probably not potentially fatal. Now is a good time to help students learn more about influenza. But where do […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Microbiology, Science, Social Perspectives

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Could We Love Our Earth to Death?

Thirty, twenty-nine, maybe thirty-two? How many days until we start our summer break? If you have a fabulous summer vacation planned, you are probably aware of the exact number! Maybe you plan on hiking one of the U.S. national parks or rafting a wild river. Or perhaps your plans take you to more exotic locales […]

Posted in Topics: Conservation, Environment, Life Science, Science, Social Perspectives

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American Adults Flunk Quiz on Science Literacy While Acknowledging Its Importance

If your classroom experiences are at all like some of mine, then you know the frustration of having students who either cannot or will not consider the relationship between their book knowledge and its applications in society. I provide what I consider to be scaffolded reading/thinking/discussion opportunities around current science issues connected to concepts learned […]

Posted in Topics: Nature of Science, Science, Social Perspectives

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Policy Could Reduce Carbon Emissions and Solid Waste While Changing People’s Habits

In his book Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Thomas Friedman challenges policymakers to assume strong leadership and create policies that will change cultures from ones of excessive, thoughtless waste to ones of thoughtful, integrated efficiency with a long-term vision of a sustainable planet. He presents numerous scenarios in which the alternative approach is not only in […]

Posted in Topics: Environment, Science, Social Perspectives

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