Archive for December, 2008

Science or Science Fiction?

Well, it’s the holiday movie season again. And once again, there’s a sci-fi thriller sure to attract students, The Day the Earth Stood Still. This is a remake of a 1951 movie. That plot involved an alien coming to Earth to warn of nuclear war. The remake has climate change as the demise of the […]

Posted in Topics: Climate, Earth Science, Nature of Science, Science

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DNA to mRNA to Protein: Not Anymore

I have just returned from the regional conference of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) in Cincinnati, Ohio. As usual, I’m filled with inspirational new knowledge regarding science and instructional approaches. I have already created a review activity using my newfound knowledge, not 24 hours post-conference, and I cannot wait to implement it this week!
But […]

Posted in Topics: Genetics, Life Science, Nature of Science

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Space Station ‘Extreme Home Makeover’ Concluded

What is the International Space Station? How long has it been up there? Who goes up there and for how long? What do astronauts do on the space station? These are intriguing, valid questions you can pose to your students, or perhaps your students have already posed them to you. The NASA space exploration program […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Science, Space, Technology

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