Archive for July, 2008

Granite Helps Scientists Piece Together Rodinia

If you’ve taught plate tectonics at the middle school level, you’re probably quite familiar with the supercontinent Pangaea. But did you know that Pangaea was not the only supercontinent in earth’s history – just the last to date? Millions of years before Pangaea, another supercontinent known as Rodinia united all of earth’s landmass in an […]

Posted in Topics: Biodiversity, Earth Science, Education, Evolution

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Coral Reefs Faced With Extinction?

A third of reef-building corals around the world are threatened with extinction, according to the first-ever comprehensive global assessment to determine their conservation status. Corals produce reefs in shallow tropical and sub-tropical seas and have been shown to be highly sensitive to changes in their environment. The study findings were published July 11, 2008 by […]

Posted in Topics: Conservation, Coral Reefs, Ecology, Environment, Life Science, Marine Biology, Oceans

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