Archive for February, 2008

Texas Economy Prospers With the Wind

Talk of a looming recession and sky-high oil prices don’t seem to worry many Texans. Instead, they’re cashing in on the benefits of an alternative energy source, wind, literally.
Many Texans are happily trading defunct oil rigs for wind turbine installations on their land. One Texan is being paid $500 a month for each turbine he […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Energy Transfer, Environment, Science

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Nanotechnology Prevents Sunburn. What Else Might It Do?

What’s better than a day at the beach? A day at the beach and not being miserable for the next several days because of sunburn! That’s where the modern miracle of sunscreen comes into play. Did you know many sunscreens are products of nanotechnology? An advisory statement from the Australian Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration, Safety […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Health, Nanotechnology, Science

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Is Walking a Waste of Energy?

Have you ever considered the irony of a gym full of people using electrically powered exercise machines to burn energy? What if the mechanical energy of those moving bodies could be converted into usable electric energy? That’s exactly what Arthur Kuo, a University of Michigan mechanical engineer, and his colleagues have done. Both News in […]

Posted in Topics: Energy Transfer, Science, Technology

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The Relationship Between Sea Surface Temperature and Hurricane Activity

Is your unit on climate and weather approaching? Here’s some current research you can use to enrich students’ understanding of weather. It can help you make real-world connections from the textbook and classroom to the research scientists working to understand the science of hurricanes.
The news comes from ScienceDaily. The article, Increased Hurricane Activity Linked to […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Energy Transfer, Environment, Methods of Science, Science

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One in Three Amphibian Species at Risk of Extinction

No one wants to see pandas, polar bears, or penguins go extinct. Why have organizations like the World Wildlife Fund been so successful in garnering the general public’s support for their conservation efforts? Perhaps it is because we find these animals appealing on an affective level. In many people’s minds, they’re worth conserving for emotional […]

Posted in Topics: Biodiversity, Conservation, Evolution, Life Science

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