Archive for the 'Weather' Category

Fires in Australia: An Anomaly or Part of an Emerging Trend?

If you saw a newspaper or the news on TV at all last week, you must have heard about the catastrophic bushfires in southern Australia. Most were clustered 50 - 100 km northeast of Melbourne, capital city of the state of Victoria; yet there were other fires scattered across a wider area as well. The […]

Posted in Topics: Climate, Earth Science, Environment, Weather

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No Child Left Inside! Earth Science Week 2008

If you fear taking your students outside might be misinterpreted by observers as an undeserved recess, think again. With the slogan, No Child Left Inside–actually an official act of Congress–the American Geological Institute (AGI) is once again promoting Earth Science Week.  Need a little more motivation? Read this excerpt from Last Child in the Woods, […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Earthquakes, Science, Weather

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