Archive for the 'Health' Category

Genes and the Environment: What’s Best for Baby?

With the popularity of science-fiction movies like Jurassic Park that simplify the effects of DNA and genes and ignore environmental factors, teachers may find it challenging to convey to students the important role of the environment on gene activities, and vice versa.
For example, individuals may possess a gene combination that could predispose them to certain […]

Posted in Topics: Environment, Genetics, Health, Methods of Science, Science

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Consumer Safety: Antifreeze in Toothpaste

We’re ever thankful when our students come to school with freshly brushed teeth, but could there be a circumstance under which you would suggest your students not use toothpaste? In May of this year, BBC News reported that the Chinese government was investigating charges that toothpaste containing diethylene glycol, also known as antifreeze, had been […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Health, Personal Safety, Science, Social Studies

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Beyond Mendel: Genetics of Height

It’s a sure bet many of your students are lamenting their height, wondering when or if they’ll ever grow into their feet! Tall and lanky? Blame your genes was the lead story on ABC News in Science, Monday, September 03, 2007. This story illustrates several concepts associated with the methods of science and scientific enterprises, […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Genetics, Health, Science

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