Author Archive

Web Seminar: Human Physiology and the Limits of Mars Exploration

This web seminar, the last of the NSDL series for the 2008-2009 school year, focused on the human physiological challenges of extended travel in outer space. Our presenter, Dr. Jim Pawelczyk, Associate Professor of Physiology & Kinesiology for the College of Health and Human Development at Pennsylvania State University, has studied the human effects […]

Posted in Topics: General, Life science, Physics and Astronomy, Science, Teacher professional development

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Inside ITEST: Exemplars in collaboration and career exploration in science

A new collection within WGBH Teachers’ Domain profiles six sites in the ITEST program, an NSF-funded project to support students in pursuing STEM careers. In the video, Becoming Green Energy Experts , you’ll learn about how students from the Michigan State University/Lansing Boys and Girls Club are learning about home energy efficiency, energy supply and […]

Posted in Topics: General

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NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar: Antarctic and Arctic Birds

Resources for tonight’s web seminar, Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Antarctic and Arctic Birds features resources from Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: An Online Maga… and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
The seminar focused on strategies for incorporating inquiry learning and ways to integrate literacy and science in effective ways. The resource list has […]

Posted in Topics: General, Physics and Astronomy, Science, Teacher professional development

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Grains of knowledge, grains of rice: A fun game that helps others in need

How about learning chemical symbols while helping to end world hunger? Need to brush up on your favorite classic painters? Improve your vocabulary? You can do all these things on Free Rice, a site run by the United Nations World Food Bank.
You select a topic area and the degree of difficulty you […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Online learning

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Getting to the Good Stuff: Resources for Middle School Math and Science

Missed the webinar presentation on middle school math and science resources? You can watch the archive
In partnership with the National Middle School Association (NMSA), this presentation highlighted resources and strategies for finding quality resources and connecting to other middle school educators through the NSDL Middle School Portal for Math and Science.
The next webinar from […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science, Teacher professional development

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NSDL Sessions at NSTA Science Education Conference

Greetings from New Orleans! We have several sessions at the NSTA Science Education Conference and will be posting the presentations on the blog. Come on over while you enjoy the Big Easy!
Friday, March 20
8:00 – 9:00 AM Informal Science Day Session: Content on the Go: Science
Education Podcasting – Susan Foster (NCAR); […]

Posted in Topics: General

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New Podcast Series for Teachers

Educational podcasts allow educators an easy way to keep current on research and materials to use in their teaching. The podcast series developed for Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears has teaching tips, interviews with scientists, and other ideas for bringing polar science into the classroom.
Check out this month’s podcast, The Lowdown on Climate […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, Climate change, Education, General, Science

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Middle School: What Do We Know?

The recent ACT Report, The Forgotten Middle, states that “fewer than two in ten eighth graders are on target to be ready for college-level work by the time they graduate from high school.”
Such statements speak to the need for greater attention to middle school students and support for teachers of these grades. For our […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development

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Chemistry Resources: Water

Use some of these great resources mentioned in the NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar: Chemistry Comes Alive III: Water.
We’ve used a Diigo list, a social bookmarking site to list these resources. Diigo allows you to save bookmarks right off of your browser. You can then send them to your colleagues, make annotations and notes on […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, Chemistry, General, Science, Teacher professional development

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Middle Schools-What Do We Know? NSDL Brown Bag, Dec 11th

The National Science Digital Libraryånd the National Middle School Association invite you to a free webinar from the National Science Digital Library Brown Bag Series:
Title: Middle School-What Do We Know?
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 2008
Time: 1:00 PM EST
Duration: 1 hour
Host(s): NMSA and the NSDL Resource Center
National Middle School Association in collaboration with the National Science Digital […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development, mathematics

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