Author Archive

Using NSDL - Teachers and Librarians Promoting STEM Education

Two recent publications are featuring National Science Digital Library (NSDL) resources and services:
Check out Daniel Toomey’s article in the November School Library Monthly: The National Science Digital Library: STEM Resources for the 21st Century Learner.  Dan is a 7th and 8th grade teacher at Edgewood Campus School in Madison, WI. He also co-teaches a secondary science […]

Posted in Topics: General

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A Nation Without School Libraries….

See (or listen to) the Saturday, October 23, 2010 article/podcast from Bob Edwards Weekend show (distributed to public radio stations by Public Radio International (PRI)). Edwards talks with Keith Curry Lance, who focuses his research on the connections between student achievement and school libraries: “He’s found that students perform better in schools with well-stocked, well-funded libraries, as […]

Posted in Topics: General

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From biotech to geoscience…using multiple NSDL resources

Thinking of using biotechnology as a focus of upcoming middle or high school science instruction?  Use the new collection from Teachers’ Domain (see NSDL Highlights) to help construct your unit using these high quality multimedia resources. The Biotechnology collection contains valuable QuickTime videos, Flash interactives, still photos, and other resources that you can incorporate, […]

Posted in Topics: Careers in Science, Chemistry, Education, High School Resources, Life science, Science

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