Archive for February, 2008

Use of Steroids by Professional Athletes
The prisoner’s dilemma is a classic game theory situation, as it can be applied to a plethora of varied cases. One such case involves the delicate art of athletic cheating. Whether the setting is baseball or mountain biking, each athlete’s dominant strategy is to use steroids. If one athlete uses performance-enhancing steroids while another does […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Trying to Explain Cooperation 
As evidenced every day throughout the world, being selfish pays off. When facing off against each other, the cheater will dominate the philanthropist every time. Game theory supports this conclusion. In the typical public goods game, described here: . Players each secretly choose to put a certain amount of their private money into a […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Utilizing the power of gatekeeping

I recently stumbled upon news article, which is about a new “web based marketplace where investors and entrepreneurs can make serious investment connections.” I thought this was interesting because it shows the real world applications encompassing many of the things we have been learning about in the past few weeks. Mainly, it shows […]

Posted in Topics: Education

View Comment (1) » is considered to be the first of its kind, and has been the most successful in its area of service. Essentially, it is a networking service based upon music. essentially learns the users preferences in music in a variety of ways, and then creates a radio station based off of the […]

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The Adventures of Browsing the Web

In the Wired article “A New Type of Game Turns Web Surfing Into All-Out Information Warfare,” Mary Jane Irwin describes an online game that adds new and exciting dimensions to browsing the Web. In “passively multiplayer online games” (PMOGs), Web users add an application that follows their online activity. The object of the game is […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Sub-prime Credit Crisis and its Cascading Effects

While the subprime mortgage lending crisis has yet to be explained fully, as only time can tell the true causes and effects, a few simple models and an few intuitive observations can lend some valuable insight into why the crisis happened and how it cascaded. As reported here A guide to the subprime mortgage […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Medical Records on the Information Network

In class today, we started the discussion of the information network. It was mentioned that the world wide web is getting arbitrarily large. An important point to notice is the ways in which it is growing. One way that has become especially popular during recent years is the use of the web for personal services […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Share Your Investment Portfoilos on Facebook

Facebook has become one of the largest and most popular social networks among high school and college students. Currently, Facebook has many third party applications. This article talks about an online investment site, Cake Financial, launching a Facebook application that enable to share their portfolios of their actual brokerage accounts. This application allows users to share the […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Game Theory and the Federal Interest Rate
I never knew much about the federal interest rate until I took Econ 102 my sophomore year. My professor would often talk of Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve at the time, meeting to discuss changing the federal interest rate. I believe at the time, the […]

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Game Theory applied to Criminology

We have talked about the prisoner’s dilemma in class but what is also of interest is the effect game theory plays in the “game” played between criminals and the police and the result it has on the unsuspecting public. One of the things Ehud Guttel and Barak Medina discuss in their paper is how criminal […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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