Archive for May, 2007

Website Networks

Even though class is over, the topic of networks still appears everywhere I go.
For instance, this website, walk2web, which constructs graphs which constructs a complex graph from an initial input URL, which attempts to link the different websites that are somehow related to each other (hyperlinks, etc).
Try it, you’ll be surprised at the complexity […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Bacon??? How about six degrees of John Abel or Paul Erdös?

Pharmacologists can be well-connected.
John J. Abel is regarded as the founding father of pharmacology, after forging the field in the late 19th century. Along with 18 colleagues, he founded American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), and is most famous for his work isolating epinephrine and crystallizing insulin. Abel published nearly a hundred papers.

Check […]

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Online Advertising and Conflicts with Privacy

As has been discussed over the course of this class, online advertising has shown to be very profitable for search engines basing the advertisements shown to keywords. Keyword-based advertising is a win-win for the search companies and the advertisers; because people are seeing results that are customized to what they are looking for, the […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Gmail’s cascade
Back in 2003 when web-based email services were dominated by Hotmail and Yahoo! who offered a paltry 4MB of space for the average ‘free’ user, web-mailing was such a pain I hardly used my Yahoo! account. April 1 2004: Enter Gmail, with a 1GB storage limit, a fresh user-friendly interface with several neat features, and […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Utopia, a highly addictive online multiplayer strategy game, is one of the most popular games on the internet. I used to be a huge fan, back in my secondary school days, and I was helplessly addicted — but it was a lot of fun. Utopia allows for the formation of social networks completely separate […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Network Marketing

My friend told me a little about Network Marketing a few years ago and while I did do some research on it then, my gains were pretty limited. However, now that I’m taking a Networks class, I figured this might just be the right time to re-explore network marketing and see if concepts we had […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Why not sell it?

After reading the notes on the power distribution, I read further into the topic by looking at one the of references. What fascinated me about it, was the practicality of it in the business world, obviously walmart would pick a sales distribution like the normal that would die off quickly rather than, a […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Should Google Name Your Children?

 What’s in a name? As the Internet continues to increase its presence in the lives of people around the world, a new Wall Street Journal article discusses just how important a role your name and its Google results can have.  For a while now, most savvy social-networkers have realized that ill-conceived content on sites like […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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A case of pluralistic ignorance

Our class discussion on information cascades and pluralistic ignorance reminded me of a situation that occurred several months ago that exemplifies these issues.
Towards the beginning of Winter Break, a high school friend used Facebook to invite around 140 people to a party at a beach house. The invitees included the entirety of our high school […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Picking a Fight: People groups as light pulses fighting each other

My paper topic was to look at social phenomenon through the theoretical and visual tools established by nonlinear optical theory. If interested you should read the section of the paper that gives a brief introduction about optics. The thrust of it is simply that Social Systems can be considered complex nonlinear dynamical systems and so […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, Science, social studies

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