Archive for April, 2008

Information Cascades: Real Estate Bubble in South Korea

articles :
According to the article, at the end of 2001, the price of real estate, especially that of apartment, has been skyrocketed in some metropolitan area of Seoul, South Korea. That area is called Gangnam district where many private institutes gathered. […]

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Information Cascade

In class, we discussed information cascade in terms of economic behavior of the mass. An information cascade is a situation in which every subsequent actor, based on the observations of others, makes the same choice independent of his/her private signal. This may result in erroneous mass behavior. Information cascade is similar to […]

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Coase Theorem: a foundation to deal with negative externalities

We’re starting to cover in class the topic of network effects, where goods consumed have positive externalities (e.g. the more people have cellphones, the more utility the people buying them will enjoy). Of course, negative externalities exist as well: imagine a river, a factory upstream and a farm downstream. In this case, the water of […]

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Quality clicks: Making more with less

As a company built on search, it comes as no surprise that Google is heavily dependent on keyword-based advertising. A large chunk of Google’s revenue is generated from clicks on its search ads. Recently, a report from researcher comScore showed that Google’s search-related ads are experiencing a decline in the number of clicks. The research […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Do individuals recognize cascade behavior of others?

A very interesting question was asked in a previous lecture about whether or not people can see past choices. According to the results of an experimental study based on the Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer and Welch (BHW) model, many individuals do not in fact recognize cascade behaviors of others. The BHW model shows that in decisive situations […]

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