Archive for February, 2008

Should you vote?

Why it’s rational to vote
This October 2004 post on a Columbia University blog deals with the seemingly simple question of whether voting in a presidential election is a rational act. They present a utility function U=p*B - C, where p is the proabbility that your vote will change the outcome of the election, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Net Neutrality and Power Within Networks

The government’s role in regulating the internet has recently been a controversial issue recently. Many internet service providers are attempting to increase profits by charging content providers like Google and Yahoo! for broadcasting of their content to users. Content providers have supported Congressional proposals for a government-enacted ban on such charges while internet service providers […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Life Disturbed by Social Networks
“Social network invites can be a plague”
Posted by Daniel Terdiman
Web-based social networks is probably one of the fastest growing industries in the contemporary age. It effectively brings friends and families a lot closer through the internet. We are no strangers to Facebook, MySpace, and many other social network sites. And we are definitely familiar […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Machiavellianism and Bargaining

I was interested in the ultimatum game discussed in class, so I did a literature search through “psych info” to find out more about the psychology behind this game. I game across a 2005 article by Heinz-Deiter Meyer in the journal of economic psychology entitled “Norms and self-interest in ultimatum bargaining: The prince’s prudence”(link […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Chain Reaction and the Effect of Powerful Players in the Global Market

Recently, we have witnessed a decline in the value of US dollar in the global markets. The US dollar is at a multi year low against a lot of currencies across the world. People are led to believe that a drop in the value of dollar will only affect the US markets and other countries […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Facebook Applications: The Network and The Payoffs

Right upper corner or left lower corner? I sit here tapping my foot anxiously, trying to decide which square to choose on Facebook’s Feeding Friendzy. And there it is: that stupid little Zelda elf with the evil laugh. Game Over. I am sure many others have faced the extreme annoyance of trying to win […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The never-ending flu network

Some people are so careful about avoiding sickness while others simply take it as a fact of life. It’s no wonder the flu spreads so easily when things like hand holding, plate sharing, and simply passing pens around can so easily spread germs. I find that many of us also hold a personal […]

Posted in Topics: Health

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Auctions: A Potential Solution to the Growing Airport Congestion Epidemic

In December 2007, the Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that it plans to restrict the number of flights permitted to takeoff and land at Kennedy International Airport to around 82 or 83 per hour in the near future.  At peak hours nowadays, more than 100 flights arrive at and depart from Kennedy International Airport.   U.S. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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BuzzScore in Search Engine Ranking

The first article examines the innovative method of search ranking system created by Yahoo. The new Yahoo Buzz program will generate a “BuzzScore” to rate news stories, videos, and blog posts on the Web. The new version contains content from nearly 100 publishers and plans to open the site to all publishers. Yahoo […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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A Nash Equilibrium in No-Limit Texas Hold’em

No-Limit Texas Hold’em is a complex game with many different variables, including your cards, the cards on board, the number of chips that you and your opponents have, the number of chips in the pot, and more. With all of these elements changing every hand, it may seem that there is no equilibrium strategy […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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