Archive for February, 2008

In gene regulation, structure does not always determine function

In response to several blog posts earlier on this semester, describing our course’s broad application to biological networks (such as this one, this one, and this one) I highlight that Piers J Ingram, Michael PH Stump and Jaroslav Stark published research in 2006 demonstrating that network effects in biology are not only often poorly understood, but in their example […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Health, Mathematics, Science

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Social networks and Economic Development

The study of social networks is crucial to understanding economic development in lesser developed countries. Too often, the traditional approach to analyzing demographic behavior - with individuals acting independently with each other - does not fit in with real life trends. Hence, it is necessary to investigate decision making in social networks to fully understand […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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BigRed4 BlogPost

Econ 204
Blog Post
            A social network that has recently become a hot topic in both news and amongst college campuses is the website This website has sparked a new wave of opinions on these internet based social networks that are present in out day today. The website is a blog post website which is […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Structured Finance, Chicanery, and the Bond Insurers

The current scenario in debt and equity markets across the globe brings together many principles of networks and graph theory. I will briefly outline the modern structured finance industry to provide not only a window into what has happened, but also to examine critical gatekeepers – the bond insurers – whose potential insolvencies will shock […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Social Network Research Involving Facebook

On Facebook, Scholars Link Up With Data
The New York Times
By Stephanie Rosenbloom
December 17, 2007
A team of researchers at Harvard and UCLA are monitoring the Facebook profiles of a class of students to study how personal tastes and habits affect how social relationships are formed. Research has found that the benefits of Facebook friends may include […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Cold War Strategies Becoming Outdated by U.S. Nuclear Supremacy

The Cold War held a shaky peace through the use of a strategy known as Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). As a result of the nuclear arms race of the 1950’s and 1960’s, both the United States and the Soviet Union possessed enough thermonuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to instantly theoretically destroy all human life on […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Toshiba Drops HD DVD as Blu-ray Gains Power

    Recently, Toshiba has announced that it will stop developing HD DVD products and will drop out of the high-definition DVD market.  This was due to several recent changes in the market, mainly the decisions of several large media companies such as Walmart and Netflix to abandon HD for Blu-ray.  This situation is analogous […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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Power In Corporate Networks

Power in networks is clearly visible in the financial world.  Investment banking, with the buying and selling of stocks on a stock exchange is all about network exchange theory.  On a larger scale, corporations are constantly upgrading and improving their product to reach new consumers that would otherwise go to other companies.  An example that […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Internet’s Undersea World

How one clumsy ship cut off the web for 75 million people
Fiber optic cables are the backbone to the entire internet. Miles of these cables span continents, sending data as pulses of light from one destination to another. But what happens if the destination is somewhere across the ocean or if data needs to travel […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Network Theory to Thwart Terrorists?

Networks Thwarting Terrorists
New York Times
Published: March 12, 2006
A lot is being said about the NSA’s warrantless eavesdropping program, where many people feel their privacies are being invaded. The argument of many of the critics that oppose this program feel that this terrorist surveillance program actually does little to help catch terrorists, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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