Archive for the 'Technology' Category

Quality clicks: Making more with less

As a company built on search, it comes as no surprise that Google is heavily dependent on keyword-based advertising. A large chunk of Google’s revenue is generated from clicks on its search ads. Recently, a report from researcher comScore showed that Google’s search-related ads are experiencing a decline in the number of clicks. The research […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Mesh Wireless Networking Technologies and the Increasingly Accessible Internet

With the success of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program, interest in one of the key features of the project, wireless mesh networking technologies has dramatically increased. This technologies radically changes norms of network topography and enables increased internet accessibility in inaccessible areas. In a typical end-user network, individuals access the internet via a […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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PageRank in different contexts

PageRank is well known as a highly successful link analysis method for deducing the importance of a web page. While the context in which this method is used has been limited to web page analysis, the algorithm does not make much assumptions about the nature of the nodes. This raises an interesting question. Can we […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology, social studies

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Spend even more money to advertise on Google

The Google search engine has been a great tool for businesses to get their name out to consumers by biddign to have their name as top results from searches.
 However, a new tool by Goolge is angering businesses and have them questioning the monopoly Google is buiding for search engines.  This tool allows people to […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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Botnet Scams are Exploding

The cover story in USA Today’s Money Section investigated the Botnet Scams that are spreading across the internet. This botnet is comprised of thousands of bots that spread viruses and spam throughout personal emails and webpages. An example used in the article is a virus that was spread following Heath ledgers death. This […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Millions of Queries

Despite ongoing research and constant improvements to online search engines, no user in guaranteed the results he/she desires for any given search. Of course we may believe sometimes that our computers can read our minds – with advances such as AutoComplete and cookie-based recognition – but inevitably we find ourselves modifying search queries and/or scrolling […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Online Advertising and the Monetization of Social Networks

In class last week we focused on keyword-search based advertisement auctions used by search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft. While the majority of the revenue of these companies is received through this type of advertisement, all of the big players in the industry are looking for ways to monetize e-mail and social […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Buying, Selling, and Trading in Azeroth
With its sunny beaches, snow-covered mountains, lush forests, and unique deserts, there’s something for everyone in Azeroth. It wouldn’t be a bad place to visit either . . . that is, if it weren’t inhabited by orcs, elves, demons, undead, and the like. Yes, Azeroth exists in a game–in World of Warcraft to […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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AdWords and Demographic Bidding

Google recently released a new feature for their AdWords advertising – demographic bidding. This new feature allows advertisers to target their ads to users of a particular age group, by gender, or by combinations of these groups. The feature can be used in conjunction with cost-per-click (CPC: the highest amount you are willing to pay […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Traffic Routing in the Cellphone/GPS Age

The equilibrium-based analysis of traffic routing that we studied earlier in the semester (in connection with Braess’ Paradox) assumes that the traffic delay functions are known in advance by all drivers. Drivers are assumed to be taking the same trip day after day, to experiment with alternative routes, and to develop an instinct about […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Technology

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