Archive for the 'Bookmarks' Category

Networks… in the comics?

Well, this doesn’t relate to things in class necessarily, but I saw today’s xkcd comic and couldn’t resist posting it:

While I’m at it, I thought I’d post a few more network themed things from the interwebs:

On maximizing social welfare:

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Posted in Topics: Bookmarks

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Five exciting blog topics

I’d like to point out five very exciting articles / links that people should definitely check out:

Finance / Investing: Researchers from Harvard Business School have found that portfolio managers do better when they invest on firms they have personal connections with (went to college / grad school with). In fact returns on ‘connected’ investments were […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, General, Mathematics, Science, Technology, social studies

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Genocide Intervention Network: Social Networking and Saving Lives

Professor Theodore Lowi of Cornell University’s Government Department often reiterates the theme of not living virtual lives, whether political or…sexual, as he puts it in lecture. He recalls a time when Cornellians left the classroom, took buildings over by force, and marched for change.
Nevertheless, the virtual realm has become one of the battlefields against […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, Education, General, Health, Technology, social studies

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Because it’ll be awhile before Grandma joins MySpace

Normally, social networking sites are designed to allow people to make connections that they previously would not have been able to make. This one is different. Instead of helping you find new social links, simply brings out the ones that are already there. Not just any links, only the most important […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, General

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Web blogs as a tool for hypersearching

hypersearching, as discovered in class, is a powerful tool in attaining a fast and accurate result when searching for a query term. Although it is not implemented globally yet, it would prove to be a very powerful searching mechanism. While surfing the web for my own entertainment sakes, I have found several aspects of Korean web […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, General, Technology, social studies

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Network Aspects of Social News Sites

 There are many categories of social software, a crucial part of Web 2.0.  Websites such as Flickr and YouTube are in the media category, while Facebook and MySpace are in the networking category.  These areas dominate the mainstream press when compared to the social bookmarking category.
 Despite the relatively low mainstream press exposure, many tech-savvy users follow the growth of social bookmarking sites as newcomers enter […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, Technology, social studies

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