Archive for February, 2008

Zebras and Enron?!

What do zebras fleeing a lion and emailing patterns after the Enron scandal was exposed have in common? Networks! Network theory can be used to identify exactly when a lion comes into the vicinity if a herd of zebras. Their pattern of reaction can be predicted from the specific way that the zebras interact with […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science

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MoSoSos as Social-Affiliation Networks
In this Wired article, Terdiman discusses MoSoSos or mobile social software which could potentially make a huge cultural impact on our lifestyles. Mobile social software is the technological confluence of social networking tools and either Wi-Fi connection location or global-positioning software. MoSoSos facilitate social encounters by identifying the real-world geographic location of a mobile device […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Nintendo Wii Nash Equilibrium

More than a year after it’s first available, the Nintendo Wii is still in shortage. Never available in the stores; prices skyrocketed on eBay. Plus many people now use all kinds of online Wii tracking software to try to make money from this unbalanced supply and demand.
The situation was even worse right before Christmas, when […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Traffic Signals as a Form of Travel Time Reduction and Congestion Alleviation in Road Networks

In class, we briefly discussed how road networks play into game theory. We kept our model of real-world road networks relatively simple, limiting our congestion-reducing strategies to road construction and toll and subsidy implementation. We never delved into other traffic control innovations, such as the traffic signal, to which the following article pertains:
The article is […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Yahoo!-Microsoft merger: A perfect example of tendency towards balanced networks.

One big story from a few weeks ago was Microsoft’s big offer to acquire Yahoo! in its bid to expand its power in the market of online services and advertising. Most notably, this would give them a big leg up in their battle against Google, their main competitor in this field.
Consider the situation prior to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Facebook, the Evolving Information Search Engine?

Web 2.0 products try to offer a new dimension of the Internet besides the glossy buttons and big, clean fonts : social network that connects relationships. David Sacks, the founder and CEO of new start up Geni says in his article from TechCrunch that sharing information with others is an evolution from basic search. He […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Number Portability and more

          I was recently informed of several service companies which perform tasks that directly relate to several of our class discussions and topics.  There are numerous companies which make a profit by running switchboards between various wireless and land line phone companies.   Without getting technical (because it would not be that much fun to read […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Keeping Options Open

Try playing this game:
In this door game, you are given the choice to click on one of three doors. You only have 50 clicks to use, so you must use your clicks wisely. All the doors start out closed, and you must click on a door to open it. Opening one door closes the […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Change Comes to eBay’s Trading Network

eBay has been in the news lately for a recent revision to its fee structure for sellers. Being one of the largest established trading networks, eBay has a lot of long-time users, some of who did not take kindly to the fairly radical changes in its auction rules. In fact, some sellers even went so far as to organize […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Ecosystem Systems Theory analyzes the interactions of people in networks encompassed in an ecosystem or certain environment. Schools serve as interesting domains for such studies because children undergo many changes in their relationships during periods in their lives, such as during elementary school. The attached article discusses the ways in which a teacher can deal […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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