Share Your Investment Portfoilos on Facebook

Facebook has become one of the largest and most popular social networks among high school and college students. Currently, Facebook has many third party applications. This article talks about an online investment site, Cake Financial, launching a Facebook application that enable to share their portfolios of their actual brokerage accounts. This application allows users to share the trade they have made, and compare actual returns in percentage terms (dollar amounts and net worth are not revealed). Individual investors can also get some insight into how their portfolios have performed over time.

From the very start, Facebook was acting like edges that join individuals (nodes) from one university together.  As it started to open to more universities and high schools, it was becoming like a bridge that joins separate networks together. So now it has become a very large social network consist of mainly high school and college students. On the other hand, Cake Financial is an online social network for investing based upon people’s real portfolio holdings, actual performance and daily trades. Facebook and Cake Financial are two separate networks; Facebook did not have any application that allows you to see real trading accounts before and Cake Financial’s customers are mainly individual investors and do not belong to any network. Having a Cake Financial application on Facebook is a good example of connecting one large connected component to another connected component, and we expect to see that they will merge into a larger social network. 

Posted in Topics: Education

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