Archive for April, 2007

Cheating - Not an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy

Cheaters and Chumps: Game Theorists Offer a Surprising Insight Into the Evolution of Fair Play
Cooperation has long been prevalent in human civilization and society. This article sets up an example in which both players cooperating are rewarded, and both players cheating do poorly, while one player cheating and one attempting to cooperate gives the largest […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Small-world Neural Networks Underlying Short Term Memory

An article from NewScientist that was published several years ago (May 2004) suggests that a small-world type of network arrangement may be present in the connections between neurons in the areas of the prefrontal cortex that are responsible for short-term memory. The article explains that recent research has suggested that these areas have bistable states […]

Posted in Topics: Science

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Statistical Discrimination in the Labor Market
Discrimination in the labor market has always been a hot topic. Characteristics such as race or sex which do not affect the ability of the employee are used in determining whether the applicant gets the job. Statistical discrimination occurs in many ways. In cases where a person applies to a job where they know they […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Apple’s Enterprise Diffusion

While MacBooks and iMacs have experienced drastic growth in the consumer market, their implementation in enterprises has yet to catch up. Most analysts believe that Microsoft will continue to dominate the market, however Roger Ehrenberg points out the many mistakes analysts have made in the past. His article criticizes Wall Street for not […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Small-World Networks and Smart Mobs

In this blog the author Scott Sanders discusses how the rapid advancement of new technologies is allowing a new type of collective swarming to occur. In his post Sanders argues that newer communication tools such as blogs, wiki, and mobile phones have allowed individuals to reorder their lives and coordinate actions in a previously […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology, social studies

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Search engines utilized as a tool for hypersearching News

Try logging on to New York Times. you may realize that there are not any links to other news articles other than articles that originate from New York Times. Try another news source, such as CNN. Again, you won’t be able to find an article that links to New York Times or other News sources. […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Visualizations of Online Social Visualizations: Annotated Bibliography of Judith Donath’s Work

I am extremely interested in ways that we can represent online social networks that are both informative and visually pleasing. I am currently writing an annotated bibliography of social visualization research as a reference for my own future research. Visualizations of online social activitiy is important for business, researchers, and technology experts. It helps to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Cascade in Poltics
The article entitled, “The Kerry Cascade,” explains how the unpopular John Kerry was able to win the Democratic presidential nomination.  However, this article takes a psychological approach at analyzing what occurred in the 2004 presidential nomination.  Psychologist Solomon Asch performed an experiment on conformity. This experiment had a group of people stare at a set […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Taking down the bully, We’ll talk it over on AIM

Recently we’ve been talking about the cascades of information and influence. Communications networks quickly come to mind. We think of mobile phone services and chat clients. Users want to choose the service that allows them to talk to the most people with the least cost. With cell phone service providers create incentives for prospective customers […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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How the Internet Defies Information Asymmetry
            In his article, “Information Asymmetry: Shattered by Technology”, Theodore F. di Stefano gives some general information about how you, as a buyer, can avoid getting ripped off by instances of asymmetry of information. In terms of the auto market, healthcare, trading stocks and getting a mortgage, his central argument is that the best way […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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