Search engines utilized as a tool for hypersearching News

Try logging on to New York Times. you may realize that there are not any links to other news articles other than articles that originate from New York Times. Try another news source, such as CNN. Again, you won’t be able to find an article that links to New York Times or other News sources. People subscribe to different sources for News, but as these news sources are owned by a group of people who share the same interest, it is highly likely that the news articles covering the same story will be biased in different ways. For the common reader, the best way to attain the accurate information is to get a collection of articles from various sources. However, as I’ve explained above, it is difficult to come up with a big list of news providers off the top of your head.

That’s where search engines come in. Search engines normally have the news search function. For google, it’s, and for Yahoo! it’s Let’s search for anything arbitrary, such as cookie. Yahoo! gives us articles about cookie starting from The Philadelphia Inquirer, CBS News to The New Orleans Times and RTE News. you can even get international articles: search for Networks in Google News: You get articles from Atomic, Australia and Biology News Net from Canada.

Search engines can be utilized as a great hub for hypersearching news articles. Since it points to many different sources of news, the hub score for search engines will be extremely high. However, the authority score will be very low compared to the hub score since none of the News sources tend to link back to Google News or Yahoo! News. The usage of multiple search engines to get a collaborative picture of an event will be most certainly helpful in getting the most accurate summary of events.

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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