Archive for the 'social studies' Category

Strength of Weak Ties in Mobile Communication

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Whisper Me Your Secrets
If you have a secret that you wish to reveal to everyone and no one, without anyone knowing who you are, this is the place. ljsecret is a site where anyone can write down a secret on a “postcard” of their choosing (preferably one that has to do with the secret) and submit it. The […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Optimizing Traffic Flow

In class and the second homework we studied how users responded to a simple transportation network given certain costs for different segments. We saw that given a certain network, the nash equilibrium is not necessarily socially optimal (the joint strategy is not a social welfare maximizer). This fact is one problem facing urban […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, social studies

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Network Aspects of Social News Sites

 There are many categories of social software, a crucial part of Web 2.0.  Websites such as Flickr and YouTube are in the media category, while Facebook and MySpace are in the networking category.  These areas dominate the mainstream press when compared to the social bookmarking category.
 Despite the relatively low mainstream press exposure, many tech-savvy users follow the growth of social bookmarking sites as newcomers enter […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, Technology, social studies

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Strength of relationships formed on Social Networks

The entire foundation of the internet is based on the concept to share information. The development of social networks on the internet has gone through some changes since the creation of the internet, and these changes are what this course has inspired me to think about as of late.
I will share a bit of personal […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Web 2.0

The Network Unbound
As many know, the “old” web was once a novelty because of its ability to transfer information that allowed users to change and enhance their interaction with their own computers. As our technological industry continues to pick up speed, we are now entering the proclaimed “Web 2.0″ era, one where the internet […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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A Simple Model of Students Packing Up at the End of a Lecture

Anyone reading this blog post who is enrolled in this class or in any other large lecture has almost certainly experienced the phenomenon of students starting to pack up shortly before class is actually over. A few students will start packing up as soon as the professor (or the clock) intimates that the lecture will […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Technology, social studies

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Social networking site graphs strength of friendships

New Social Networking Technology Packs a Wallop
A spinoff company from Microsoft called Wallop, still in invitation-only mode, hopes to redefine online social networking. While the details are not complete, Wallop is a flexible platform that allows people to centralize blog posts, photos, videos, and conversation in one place. More versatile than Facebook, […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Social Networking and Social Isolation

Washington Post Article
American Sociological Review Article
The first attached link is to an article from the Washington Post about increasing social isolation in American society. The second attached is a study referenced in the article. The study, conducted using research data collected from 1985, and a similar study conducted in 2004, concluded that […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Stock Exchange Competition

Following what we learned in lecture, the number of traders and the interaction between traders is extremely important in determining how markets are structured. This is evident when a particular market could be structured to grant the trader a monopoly with 100% of the profit of the transaction while another market could be structured […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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