Whisper Me Your Secrets


If you have a secret that you wish to reveal to everyone and no one, without anyone knowing who you are, this is the place. ljsecret is a site where anyone can write down a secret on a “postcard” of their choosing (preferably one that has to do with the secret) and submit it. The information you send is received by a group of moderators who look through thousands of secrets (submitted of course by others) and pick a number to be displayed on the site.

Once a secret is placed for all the world to see, in comes the part that really makes this web site an interactive social network. It is that anyone is allowed to comment upon the secrets given, and most often entire discussions arise, between those who have a habit of visiting this site, or between first-time strangers.

What has formed then is essentially a virtual community, where people reveal the hidden part of themselves, and let others embrace these strange (often embarrasing or even frightening) facts, comment on them, and perhaps even give some good advice.

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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