Archive for the 'social studies' Category

Barack Obama launches Social Network

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Presidential candidate Barack Obama has decided to launch a social networking site on his campaign site. This will essentially provide users and supporters with a facebook or myspace-like atmosphere. By creating a web 2.0 web site for his current supporters, these supporters will more than likely become a central hub for […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Social Networks in Shakespeare’s Plays

Shakespeare Social Networks
     As many of you have read Shakespear’s many plays and write ‘essays’ about them, you are probably familiar with the relationships among characters in his plays. For example, in Antony and Cleopatra, there is a strong relationship between Antony and Cleopatra (even you have not read this play, they are the main […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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They Rule

We’ve looked at social networks extensively in the class, but mostly looked at isolated instances of social interactions within groups or organizations. Much interest lies in how social networks actually shape our society and the world around us. They Rule examines the elite who manage Fortune 500 companies and connects them to each […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Social Network of the New Testament (Jesus had lots of friends)

ESV Bible blog had a post today with the social network of the new testament. I’ve inserted a small version of the graph below (large version):

I’m not very religious and have a very limited knowledge in this area, but from what I can tell Jesus is at the top of the heirarchy (obviously) and […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, social studies

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