Archive for the 'social studies' Category

Where do good ideas come from?

The answer to the above question has been proffered by Ronald S. Burt, a Hobart W. Williams Professor of Sociology and Strategy at University of Chicago School of Business. In his paper,, Burt proposes that one does not have to come up with a brilliant innovation in order to become creative but simply recognize […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Applying Social Network Analysis to Team Sports

This article is about power and influence in social networks and their application to team sports. The article entitled “Game Plan - First Find the Leader,” published in BusinessWeek Online in August 2006, discusses the discovery of these social networking phenomena by Head Coach Sasho Cirovski of the University of Maryland Terrapins men’s soccer […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Collaboration Networks

Collaboration Networks, networks in which nodes represent researchers and edges between two nodes indicate collaboration on a paper, give a way of modeling the flow of ideas in the academic world.  In the paper “Some Analyses of Erdos Collaboration Graph”, the authors Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar apply techniques of analyzing large graphs to the […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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eBay makes friends with Bebo

 Original Article

eBay is partnering with Bebo to allow users of the social networking site to list auction items on their profiles.The agreement will allow Bebo’s 30m members to detail items they want to buy or sell. Clicking the link will take visitors directly to eBay’s own pages, the Wall Street Journal said.eBay hatched the plan […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Can Network Theory Thwart Terrorists?

This article talks about how “network theory” can be used to find terrorists. People studying networks have found “surprising commonalities” between airline routes, people’s interactions at cocktail parties, and crickets’ synchronization of their chirps. These people study networks to have an easier time figuring out non-trivial patterns. New algorithms are being developed […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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On “Networks of Strong Ties”

The Shi, Adamic & Strauss paper “Networks of Strong Ties” (pdf, arXiv) analyzes the importance of strong ties in a social network, in contrast to “The Strength of Weak Ties”. If we recall, the strength of weak ties resides in their ability to connect nodes that are not normally in close contact with each […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology, social studies

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Factors in Determining “True Value” in an Auction

Game theory may help Tatas encounter CSN
Two prominent Indian steel companies, Tata Steel and Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) , are amidst a raging bid battle for Corus. Principles of game theory are drawn from both sides as each company devises its own strategy in the ascending bid auction that this business interaction has turned into. […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Braess’ Paradox, Queuing Networks, and Nash Equilibrium

Braess’ paradox deals with networks where when users selfishly choose the best route, under certain circumstances, adding additional capacity increases travel time. We also applied the concept of Nash equilibrium to analyze Braess’ paradox. A Stanford professor Sunil Kumar explores the question of how to increase capacity and throughput without risking increasing delays […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology, social studies

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Where are Irrationality, Justice, and Morality in Game Theory?
Where are Irrationality, Justice, and Morality in Game Theory?
The entire field of game theory seems to be built upon the concept of rationality. In each situation, players will play the strategy which maximizes their individual payoff. Any experience with the real world however, will lead us to the conclusion that this assumption is inherently flawed […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, social studies

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Network Theory and International Terrorism

Uncloaking Terrorist Networks
Modeling Terrorist Networks 
We have seen examples of networks and the application of theory to topics like traffic patterns and auctions. Though these topics are interesting and important in their own right, it isn’t always apparent how the study of networks can have a much more serious and deadly application: the study of international […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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