Archive for the 'Education' Category

Vengeance Is Mine,Sayeth the Lord –But Scientists Differ
Most examples of game thoery discussed in class are primarily concerned with players maximizing their payoff; however, what if we were to introduce a new factor in which players had the option of attacking other players based on their actions? This articles addresses the reasons behind the drive for so many individuals to take action […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Axioms of page ranking algorithms
-or- (Click on full text PDF)
This article discusses ranking systems, specifically Google’s PageRank. An analogy between page ranking and social choice is examined. Page ranking is compared to agents (pages) preferring other agents (pages). This preference on the internet is found in links between pages.
The paper states that “the current practice of […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Facebook goes corporate
This article covers Facebooks new ventures of social networking. Facebook is a website that has been used in the past for Students at both the high school and college level to stay connected. Now facebook is attemting to cover new waters as it is now allowing a select few companies to use facebook as a […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Viruses Play Games
          Game theory is a concept that applies to not only humans but also to any biological population in the world. It has been used since the beginning of time, starting with the first species to inhabit the earth: viruses. In this article, two scientists undergo experiments to test their predictions that viruses have a […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science

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Social Network’s Healing Power Is Borne Out in Poorer Nations

Modern medicine and technology has undeniably made great advances for us–those lucky enough to enjoy its benefits. We now live longer and healthier lives, no longer needing to worry about many once-deadly diseases. We are able to screen ourselves and even our potential children for genetic illnesses. We are so optimistic about medicine that […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Health, Science

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19 Degrees of Separation

I came across an interesting article while searching for information related to Stanley Milgram’s “small-world” network. Those of you who have read “The Tipping Point” may remember Malcolm Gladwell’s story about Stanley Milgram, the psychologist who in 1967 gave 160 residents of Omaha, Nebraska a letter with the name of a stockbroker who lived in […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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TAC Competition - Theoretical analysis to practice

The Trading Agent Competition is a multiple auction-type game competition held every year. A trading agent is a computer program that tries to satisfy the preferences of its client(s) by attempting to assemble a variety of travel packets through different types of auctions and competitions. The agent who fulfills his client’s preferences best wins.
This creates […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Technology

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Letting Users Create Value in User Communities and Social Networks

In the February 07 edition of their magazine, View, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) addresses social networks from a business’ point of view. Three articles touch on social networks; the first concerns consumers and the following two discuss employee networks.
View calls this new type of consumer, the socially networked consumer, a powerful force in the marketplace that CEOs […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Relationship Models in Attention and Social Networks

“Attention Networks vs. Social Networks”
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This article discusses the difference between how attention networks and social networks model relationships.  The author believes that social networks are not an ideal model because they do not provide adequate information about relationships because of its undirected nature.  For examples, they don’t measure how long you’ve been friends, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Virtual Online Game Auctions

Auctions: Theory and Practice
Auctioneer Addon for WoW
Our lectures and literatures discussed the theory of auctions. World of Warcraft (WoW) is an online game that was discussed earlier in another post. It has is own virtual economy with an auction house system that uses an ascending first price sealed bid system. Items are placed in the […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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