Archive for the 'Education' Category

Network Theory to Identify Terrorist “Hubs”

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In the opening days of this course we discussed at length the different ways to create triadic closure amongst several nodes. The idea that information can flow just as easily through weak ties led us to the analysis of information flow across social networks and how it is entirely possible that weak […]

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Auctioning Ad Time
Popular auction site eBay is attempting to expand into the world of media by auctioning off television ad time.  With this new service, advertisers will be able to detail the target demographic, preferred time of day, and funding available.  Conversely, television networks will be able to make time available for willing bidders.  eBay is providing […]

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Strengthening a broken network

As any employer who gives his employees medical benefits can tell you, the price for prescription drugs can increased astronomically over the last 20 years. The number of filled prescriptions grew at an alarming rate; going form 13m prescriptions filled in 2002 to 22m filled in 2004 (What goes into the costs of Prescription Drugs?, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Google Bombs

Most people who use any of the mainstream search engines have at one point or another probably come across a search that returns rather strange, often comedic results. Examples of these are searches such as ‘miserable failure’ which, for quite some time, returned as the top result, a link to the white house biography of […]

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Consequences of Emerging Public Social Networks

In the past few years the world saw the advent of numerous sites devoted solely to promote social networks. Among them, the facebook phenomenon has helped this category of websites to propel from simple, frivolous websites for friends to keep in contact with one another, to means for advertisement and for companies, colleges and future […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Market Crash

On February 27, 2007 the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummetted 416 points–at one point in the day it had fell 546 points, it’s worst drop in a single day in over 5 years. Part of the drastic decline was that the market was oversaturated after record increases in the previous weeks. This decline has mostly been […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Anecdotal Evidence of the Importance of Weak Ties

The initial evidence for the importance of weak ties came from studies of how people found jobs however the theory applies to other situations.

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Using The Web As A Tool To Solve Crimes
The article from USA Today Web sites host wealth of crime-solving clues goes into detail about how web services such as Xanga, MySpace, Facebook, and You Tube are being used to investigate and identify criminals.  It starts by discussing a specific case where a family posted video evidence of a family member’s murderer fleeing the […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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More Powerful Social Networking Tools
Connectors play a great role in bringing people and ideas together. But it’s not always easy to find a reasonable path along a network to another person with the resources or ideas one may be looking for. There are however some ingenious solutions to this problem. The above article mentions a few companies such […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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New Ties Weaken Old Ties

A recent article in The Washington Post entitled In High-Tech World, Access To Students Still Difficult discusses the idea that technological progress often hinders college officials’ ability to communicate quickly and effectively with the school’s students, especially in emergency situations.  Students are adopting more and more modes of communication, but there is no standard, reliable method of communication […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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