Archive for the 'Education' Category

Six Degrees of Separation
Stanley Milgram believed that any individuals of a large population are connected via a few intermediate acquaintances.  His hypothesis and subsequent study lead to the idea of “six degrees of separation” because on average any two people could be connected with six acquaintances.  While this study became well known throughout popular culture, it is […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Networks of the 21st Century

Networks of the 21st Century
Communications in the world two decades ago would not even be recognizable by today’s standards, especially in the business world. Businesses today not only deal with local or regional concerns, but many face network problems and logistics in global markets. How do these multinational corporations maintain fast, secure and reliable […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Another post on SpotScout,70826-0.html?tw=wn_index_1
BTW, I’m being totally honest when I say I typed this before the previous post was posted. Hopefully, it’s not completely the same in terms of content.
When it comes to buying or selling stock, a trader acts as a middleman for the transaction. In the near future, it may be possible and common for […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Using the Web to Get Your Boss to Pay More

Using the Web to Get Your Boss to Pay More

Information is power. Employees now have the convenience of comparing their current salary to other people’s salaries who have similar job titles by using sites such as and/or These web sites aim to level the playing field by allowing people to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Brazilian Soccer Player Social Network
(click on the PDF link at the bottom for full text)
Having played soccer for a majority of my life, I’d like to think I know everything there is to know about the sport. Though this may be true about the rules and strategies of the game, after the reading the Palacios-Huerta paper I found a […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Blog Research

Over the past decade, the number of blogs on the internet, and the connections between those blogs, have been growing at an enormous rate. There are blogs that discuss technology, blogs that discuss personal lives, and numerous blogs that discuss politics and news. In Issue Publics on the Web: Applying Network Theory to the War […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Modeling a Semantically Meaningful Tag Network

“Tag everything!” It’s the rallying cry of Web 2.0. Bookmarks (, pictures (Flickr) or videos (YouTube), it can all be tagged.

Posted in Topics: Education

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Social Networking’s Next Phase

Social Networking’s Next Phase
This article discusses the idea of using social networking for customers of a business.  Cisco Systems and other companies are exploring the idea of setting up a social networking service similar to Facebook or MySpace for companies to allow their clients to interact with one another.  This presents an interesting idea since […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Collegetown Coffee

I’ve always wondered how the various coffee shops in Collegetown have determined their prices. Using what we’ve learned in class, can we model the Collegetown coffee “scene” with some auction and game-theoretic tools? And will this model accord with what we are observing in practice?
There are four major coffee shops in Collegetown: […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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“Word Of Mouth” Marketing

The big guys in the advertising industry have long been aware of the power of social networks, and have attempted in many different ways to capture the power of face-to-face, word of mouth in order to turn a profit. The general idea is that people will respond more to information coming from those […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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