Facebook goes corporate


This article covers Facebooks new ventures of social networking. Facebook is a website that has been used in the past for Students at both the high school and college level to stay connected. Now facebook is attemting to cover new waters as it is now allowing a select few companies to use facebook as a networking tool. Before you had to have a .edu website and they are now allowing .com and .org addresses. Facebook saw that users had secondary email addresses as places that were assumed where they work. With so many requests for facebook to allow people outside their network to the site and haveing nearly 50 percent of their graduating seniors visit the site everyday they decided on this new change.

Facebook is one of the many social networking sites that are all over the internet just like myspace and Xango websites. The only difference is that facebook only had students allowed to join. Sites like these are prime web examples that we have been through in lectures. As this fits the description perfectly with each node represented as a person and each edge represented as a “friendship.” Many friends are able to keep information flowing back and forth between the two as this is not a directed graph. Now with the new companies coming in this will allow even more information to be able to flow connecting employess of the companies and also allow information from companies to be accesible from students who might be going out the real world of work.

I think Facebook now going into the business world is a great addition to their site. As long it becomes a decent hit within the companies that are being allowed to create profiles then I believe these additional nodes will benefit both the student world and business world. Although, as the article mentions, this could hurt sites that are meant to be networks between jobs and job searchers. I think this will eventually catch on and a whole new world will be created between all nodes(users).

Posted in Topics: Education

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