Archive for the 'Education' Category

Finding a Home for Network Theory

    Throughout the semester, we have observed many, simplified models of social networks. While these models reduce to people to simple nodes and edges, the main pattern revealed by these models are revealed all around us. I had one such experience when navigating the Ithaca housing market, searching for a place to live next year.
First, […]

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Cross Promotional Advertising

Earlier this semester we discussed Vannevar Bush’s article “As We May Think,” which states that the human brain organizes information through associative memory. This idea treats the mind as a web of nodes with connections all over the place. One thing can be connected to a related (or different) topic. For example, the sight of […]

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Creating Better Network Graphs

As we have seen in class, graphs of networks can get messy real fast.  There can be hundreds of very small nodes, thousands of edges, different shaped nodes, colored edges, or directional edges all on top of a map of the United States.  It can often take several minutes of staring at a graph to […]

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John Edwards: Campaign of the Future?

Article Link:
In this article, Donna Bogatin questions whether online social networks have benefited the campaign of former Senator John Edwards, a Democratic candidate for the 2008 election. She suggests that Edwards is trying to adopt a “User Generated Politics Approach,” but has failed. Bogatin defines this approach as using social networking […]

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Wikipedia-based search Engine

Recently Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales announced that he is planning to launch a new search engine within the year. Wales justified his new project by expressing his qualms with the current methods that major search engines use for finding “good” pages. He says that computers are bad at making judgments on how […]

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Blogs and Business

Investor’s Business Daily: Managing for Success
Blogs have become a popular networking source for all types of businesses. Besides having the potential of creating new customers and interest in one’s own company, blogs are a way in which companies can learn what others are saying about their own company to make improvements as well. Martin Schwimmer […]

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Animal Contests as Evolutionary Games

 Evolution is the governing force in nature driving change towards more suitable strategies by animals to their environments. Evolutionary game theory is extremely useful when analyzing the strategies utilized by animals in animal contests - whereby two animals in an encounter can choose different strategies based on their ecotype (habitat), information structure, and pattern […]

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Digg Swarm

Digg Swarm is an online visualization of what stories are popular on is a user generated news content site where users submit news stories that are interesting to them. Popular stories get “Dugg” to the top by other users of the site, and the most popular stories Get pushed to the front page […]

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Game Theory in Tennis

During our first few days of studying game theory, Professor Easley alluded to a study done on professional tennis matches that was similar to the Palacios-Huerta paper we read about the von Neumann Minimax Theory in professional soccer. You can find it at – “Minimax Play at Wimbledon” by Mark Walker and John Wooders. […]

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The Eisenhower Interstate System

Here I have chosen to analyze the overly simplistic model of the US interstate system (found at the link below) in terms of graph theory. I feel that several insights about networks may be gain by such an analysis despite the oversimplification already noted. Each city should be viewed as a node and each highway […]

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