Archive for the 'Education' Category

Expansion of the BBC

Recently, a New York Times article announced the thought of a merger between the social network powerhouse, MySpace, run by Rupert Murdoch, and the BBC. This expansion of internet broadcasting will further increase the already large networks that the BBC and MySpace have already built. As most […]

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Cornell University fulfills a triadic closure.

Growing up in Rwanda, I didn’t know I was going to meet most of the friends I have now in the United States. I was not thinking that at one point  in my life I will be having many friends from different parts of the world especially China, Indonesia and the United States itself were […]

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Silicon Valley Network

Silicon Valley is known for the destination of the many big tech companies such as Cisco, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, etc. One might wonder why these great technology companies of today are centrally, if not started, in the Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley, “has long been the model of success for a modern regional economy”(NYT), […]

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Online Social Networks and Careers
The article linked to above discusses the use of online social networks to advance one’s career. It mentions how sites even specifically dedicated to social networking (Facebook and Myspace) are starting to be used for professional networking. This is often accomplished through the use of professional groups within the social site.
Aside from the […]

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A network-based method for target selection in metabolic networks

Microbiologists would generally agree that the rapid rate at which microorganisms adapt to their environments, and in particular, to antimicrobial agents, is alarming. One may almost characterize the extreme immunity enjoyed of many microorganisms as an opposing army that only seems to get stronger when encountered by our best devices. It may seem […]

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The Prisoner’s Dilemma Applied to the Kyoto Protocol

In our introduction to game theory we learned about the famous Prisoners’ Dilemma, in which two prisoners given the option to confess or not confess their crime, will always both confess, despite the Pareto Efficient outcome of both not confessing. This is because their dominant strategy is to confess as it will always provide […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Network Battles

Taking the media by storm is news of an online group named Anonymous and its efforts to debilitate the Church of Scientology. For those who haven’t been following the back-and-forth between Anonymous and the CoS, the former is a mysterious “hacker” group which – three weeks ago – posted this YouTube video threatening the […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Technology, social studies

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Strong Triadic Closure The Lifeblood of An Entire Industry

Prior to my attending Cornell I worked as a real estate broker in Washington state. So, during the lecture on strong triadic closure I kept thinking about how the idea of one individual (node) with a strong relationship to two other people (edges) will then almost automatically create at least a weak relationship between these […]

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No one group of consumers…

In The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, the idea that there are certain people can be the central point of the “outbreak” (if you would call it that) of trends. These so-called “influentials” make it so that companies need not spend money on advertising to popularize their product(s), granted that these “influentials” use the […]

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Social Networks in Online Video Games

How many people have made friends from a common interest? Whether it is a common sports team, the same class schedule, or even neighbors, friendships form from close contact and common interest. But most recently, massive multiplayer online games have risen with a vastly increasing fan-base. It is becoming easier and easier to meet people […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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