Social Networks in Online Video Games

How many people have made friends from a common interest? Whether it is a common sports team, the same class schedule, or even neighbors, friendships form from close contact and common interest. But most recently, massive multiplayer online games have risen with a vastly increasing fan-base. It is becoming easier and easier to meet people you have never seen before. In some cases, meeting people online is easier than in real life because the social tension is not there; looks and body language play little part in the friendship link forming. In his article, Matt Slagle( of the USA Today, reports of a woman playing a game Kaneva( for the sole purpose to socialize. And this game is vastly dwarfed by other games such as World of Warcraft (which has millions of players playing at any one time), XBOX Live (various games such as Halo 3, Guitar Hero, etc), and the list goes on and on. Also, all of these games have the ability for someone to “friend” another player, creating a physically traceable network. The relevance of class topics (triadic closure and strength of ties) is definitely seen in online gaming networks. For example, if one person gets an invite to a party with more than one person (say in Halo 3) and he accepts, the property of strong triadic closure says that a weak tie will develop between this new initiate in the party, and the existing members (given that a strong connection will develop within the new member and the person who invited him). Not only does friendship come easily in gaming, but also competition within a network form. Rivalries between parties or groups can arise, just as rivalries in sports teams or cliques at school form. This increased competition and facilitated-friend-making only strengthen the video gaming networks increase in size. It’s probably not uncommon that in a decade or so, many young people will have almost as many friends on these networks as in their local friend networks. Also these gaming networks are able to be monitored and documented so that they could produce some insight into the topics covered in this class in the future.

Posted in Topics: Education

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