Expansion of the BBC

Recently, a New York Times article announced the thought of a merger between the social network powerhouse, MySpace, run by Rupert Murdoch, and the BBC. This expansion of internet broadcasting will further increase the already large networks that the BBC and MySpace have already built. As most of us know, MySpace is an immensely popular social network, in which people can ‘friend’ one another, and communicate about various interests. It has also become a way for up and coming musicians to gain a larger audience, by promoting their music on their sites with free downloads and music videos.

BBC and MySpace can be viewed as two large global networks, similar to what was discussed in class regarding the possibility of more than one large network of friends across the globe. The presence of BBC poses as a new group for individuals to join. This process of bringing a multitude of younger internet users together can potentially form new links between users. These links are considered weak links, but large amounts of these new connections lead to new communications, friendships and the sharing of new or similar ideas.

Since MySpace is constantly expanding, and continues to thrive because of its popularity, the influx of members that would result from this partnership could be viewed very positively. The BBC’s goal is to generate conversation and commentary on their own blogs between MySpace users. Provided that this gains popularity among the community, it will create links to each MySpace user that decides to utilize the BBC blog.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/24/business/media/24myspace.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=BBC+and+MySpace&st=nyt&oref=slogin

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One response to “Expansion of the BBC”

  1. Cornell Info 204 Digest » Blog Archive » Good stuff! Recent posts and some interesting related articles Says:

    […] few students discussed mergers between existing online networks (MySpace/BBC and MonsterTrak/CSO). More about connecting over the web with a post aboutĀ Friend-Of-A-Friend and […]

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