Online Social Networks and Careers

The article linked to above discusses the use of online social networks to advance one’s career. It mentions how sites even specifically dedicated to social networking (Facebook and Myspace) are starting to be used for professional networking. This is often accomplished through the use of professional groups within the social site.

Aside from the social networks though there are also professional networking sites like LinkedIn and Plaxo Pulse. These can have additional features like LinkedIn Answers which allow you to ask professionals questions in an area that you lack expertise. All of these can be used and made more powerful when analyzed by software from companies including Visible Path, Spoke, and Contact Networks. The software can rank people by how likely they are to yield useful introductions or tell you who can help you get in touch with an executive at a target company.

This shows how people are using social networks to better utilize their current network. The online networks allow people to find the local gatekeeper that will help them get in touch with a desired company or individual, especially using acquaintances, which are mentioned as a key resource both in the article and The Tipping Point. Acquaintances are similar to the weak ties we discussed in class in information sharing networks. Weak ties tend to link people between social groups acting as bridges. These weak ties are to people outside of your social group, making them more likely to have information or contacts that you don’t already know.

Posted in Topics: Education

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One response to “Online Social Networks and Careers”

  1. Cornell Info 204 Digest » Blog Archive » Good stuff! Recent posts and some interesting related articles Says:

    […] A few students discussed mergers between existing online networks (MySpace/BBC and MonsterTrak/CSO). More about connecting over the web with a post about Friend-Of-A-Friend and one about other professional networking. […]

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