Archive for the 'Mathematics' Category

Seeing is Understanding In NSDL’s Large Hadron Simulation

Under the Swiss Alps this week beams of protons known as Hadrons circled the 27 kilometers of the most powerful particle accelerator (the CERN Large Hadron Collider) in the world for the first time. As those protons begin to collide scientists expect to learn more about dark matter and how mass exists. This NSDL resource […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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Ice and Snow, in August!

Issue Five of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears magazine, Water, Ice, and Snow, uses the polar regions to better understand the water cycle as well as states and changes of matter. While the weather at the beach may be steamy right now, the August issue looks at the cool blue and white of forming, moving and melting glaciers, […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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Streamlined NSDL Browsing

NSDL has streamlined collection browsing at to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Browse collections alphabetically or through subject gateways that include: Biological and Health Sciences; Engineering, Computing, and Technology; General Science and STEM; Geosciences; Mathematics; Physical Sciences; and Social Sciences. Within each of these broad categories, users may browse by […]

Posted in Topics: General, Health, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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NSDL Names Editors for Upcoming Issues of Classic Articles in Context

A new National Science Digital Library (NSDL) scholarly publication, Classic Articles in Context (CAC), was launched in April 2008 with an atmospheric science theme: “Climate Change and Anthropogenic Greenhouse Warming: A Selection of Key Articles, 1824-1995, with Interpretive Essays.” Each issue of Classic Articles in Context presents significant scientific questions of the Twentieth Century […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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Education and NSDL: Past, Present and Future

The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) has been a functioning digital library since 2002 when, among other developments, the Nova Scotia Drama League agreed to transfer the “” domain name. During the Education session at the recent Joint Conference on Digital Libraries on June 17, 2008, Richard Furuta, Texas A&M University, chaired a series of […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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Blogosphere as Education Commons: NSDL’s Expert Voices

A peek into the dynamic and growing blogosphere at NSDL is a look into a living library packed with people, ideas, opinion, thought-provoking dialog and fascinating resources. This wealth of information contributed by NSDL communities of practice that represent multiple STEM disciplines is available to add to your summer reading list. A quick overview […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Health, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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Free Web Seminar: “A New Model of Science Curricula and Instruction” from the Middle School Portal

Register Online for a free live web seminar hosted by NSDL’s Middle School Portal and the National Middle School Association entitled, “A New Model of Science Curricula and Instruction” on Thursday, May 29, 2008, at 3:30 p.m. (EDT). This webinar will explore answers to the question, “Why do students still lack conceptual understanding and scientific […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies

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From the Exploratorium: Digital Library Afterschool Website Launches!

The goal of the Exploratorium Digital Library Afterschool Project is to bring more science and math enrichment into out-of-school time using resources from the Exploratorium’s Digital Library. Exploratorium Afterschool is one of the many Exploratorium collections for educators who will learn about different types of afterschool activities through digital videos, concept maps, links to other […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Health, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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Your Connection to Exciting Classroom Content: Introducing the 2007-2008 NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar Series

The 2007-2008 NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar Series begins on Sept. 20 with a presentation aimed at motivating your students to consider careers in math and science. The FunWorks is a digital resource library designed to encourage middle school students to explore math and science careers by showing that while some subjects are perceived as “geeky,” they […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Science, Technology

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