Solving a Big Math Problem

An understanding of mathematics may be considered essential for an educated person today, but many Americans seem almost allergic to math. While there is much discussion about the importance of mathematics to scientific research, engineering, and technological innovation, the performance of American math students on international assessments is below that of math students in many other countries. In a new special report –“Math: What’s the Problem?”– the National Science Foundation (NSF) uses video interviews and online resources to examine the state of math education and discuss the roles of culture, technology, and research on improving math learning and proficiency.

Among the experts interviewed are:

Cora Marrett, NSF assistant director for the Education and Human

Resources (EHR) directorate;

Tony Chan, NSF assistant director for the Mathematical and

Physical Sciences directorate;

Joan Ferrini-Mundy, division director for EHR’s Division of

Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings;

David Bressoud, president of the Mathematical Association of


Deborah Loewenberg Ball, dean of the School of Education,

University of Michigan;

William Schmidt, university distinguished professor of education

and statistics at Michigan State University;

Ken Koedinger, professor of human-computer interaction and

psychology at Carnegie Mellon University; and

Jeremy Roschelle, director of the Center for Technology in

Learning at SRI International.

The report is available at

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Interactive, Mathematics, Science, Technology, multimedia

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One response to “Solving a Big Math Problem”

  1. Sanu Thomas Says:

    “Dear Sir,

    I tried to find the value of variables, but I couldn’t. Pls help to find the value of “x” & “y”. Pls give step by step illustration


    1736880x + 700303y = 310088

    1449300x + 706174y = 273559

    2055270x + 608299y = 334614

    2170400x + 233308y = 296400

    Pls help…..!!!”

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