Archive for March, 2008

A Social Exchange Network in Mozart’s “La Finta Giardiniera”

On the Thursday evening when I should have been working on “Networks” Homework #3 I escaped with my wife to a performance at Ithaca College of “La Finta Giardiniera”, a comic opera written by Mozart when he was 18 years old.  But there in the program for the performance I found “Notes from the Director” consisting […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics

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Structural Holes in the Digital Library Research Community

Co-Authorship Networks in the Digital Library Research Community presents an investigation on the DL research community based on examination of the co-authorship network of 1567 authors, based upon papers submitted to three DL conferences from 1995 to 2003.
The research team experimented with a number of metrics intended to characterize the network, which are detailed in […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Networking Player Similarities

            In his efforts to objectively settle debates about athletic prowess, one blogger has developed statistical similarity networks for NBA players and Major League Baseball batters.  By finding each player’s ratio for all statistical categories (e.g. Free-throw Percentage/Turnovers per game), then normalizing the results in each category, the author found the […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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“Storing Information for Profit”
In the article “Storing Information for Profit” by the New York Times, a new technological development called “cloud computing” shows promise in permanently altering the corporate and information network structures of our world. The emergence of cloud computing in the corporate environment offers companies “information that is stored on the World Wide Web and not […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Business Networking Study

Who Rises to Power in American Business?
Please find summarized here the above-linked Question and Answer with Anthony J. Mayo, co-author of the book
Paths to Power: How Insiders and Outsiders Shaped American Business Leadership
The book itself, which came out in January 2007, is “the first book in fifty years to exhaustively analyze the demographics of leadership […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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On the Nuances of Auctions

Learning about auctions in class recently was an…interesting experience.  To tell the truth, I had very little knowledge on the subject beforehand, so my mental image of the process consisted solely of men in suits waving their little IDing numbers as someone raises the price.  Therefore, it came as quite a surprise that what I […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Auctions: Solve Two Sources of Airport Congestion

djr45 discusses a New York Times article about congestion Kennedy Airport, in “Auctions: A Potential Solution to the Growing Airport Congestion Epidemic.” Auctions can be used to limit the number of take offs and landings and as result encourage airlines to use less congested airports or fly during off-peak times. The auction solution proposed could […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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The Formation of a Giant Component

A giant component is a connected set of nodes that consists of the majority of the network. In many networks, the formation of a giant component is unavoidable. I investigated the time taken for a giant component to develop in a social network. I varied the rate at which people made friends, and observed […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Markets as Networks, in the Real World

Just as networks constrain how buyers and sellers interact, they also constrain how traders interact in the world of mutual funds. Retail investors often trust companies such as Fidelity Investments to manage their money and make trades on their behalf. Clients’ returns reflect, even if only slightly, the Fidelity traders’ performance, which require them to […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Nash Equilibria and the Cod War While reading some of the posts written over the past couple of weeks, I came across one about the relationships between the Cold War arms race and game theory. After taking a class last year on British Foreign policy, I remembered a different kind of war that the game theory we discussed in class could […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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