Archive for March, 2008

The Free Agency Market

In professional sports, free agency is the system under which players without a contract entertain offers from different teams. The player is free to sign the contract of their choice, usually the most lucrative… though occasionally a player may have criteria beyond his yearly salary, e.g. the contract’s length or the value of performance-based incentives. […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Text Messaging and Generational Difference
The above article is titled “Text Generation Gap: UR 2 Old (JK)” and is from the business section of the NYTimes. The article’s publishing date is March 9, 2008.
As the title suggests, the article is about the function of text messaging and how it continues to impact and change our society. Specifically, the article focused […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Politics and Game Theory

When one thinks Economics, one may think of concepts such as “supply and demand” and “utility curves”.  However, as “Playing ‘Games’ with Your Vote’ shows, game theory reigns may reign supreme in the heated primaries for our next presidential election.
An example of this can be spotlighted in the Wisconsin caucuses: each […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Low Bid auctions

How to participate in a low bid auction
Above is a short article I found interesting about low bid auctions. A low bid auction is actually an auction where the lowest bid wins… with one exception: the bid must be unique. So in theory you can bid one cent on an item, but if someone else […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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A virtual car stock exchange

Want to start bidding on car stock?, a well renowned car enthusiast website has started with a beta service entitled CSX – namely car stock exchange.  The service is based on the idea of a prediction market. These markets are speculative, created for the basis of assigning a cash value to an event. In […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Disease, Fear, and Flight in a Population

At the beginning of the semester we were given a sheet depicting numerous real life models of a variety of social networks. Most of edges concerned interaction between nodes, such as the spread of informational e-mails, friendships within organizations and clubs, or the outbreak of a disease. This blog focuses on a more theoretical […]

Posted in Topics: General, Health, Mathematics

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A game played by Microsoft and Yahoo
On February 1, Microsoft offered $44.6 billion deal to Yahoo. While reading some of the articles, it was interesting to find out that many articles described MS-Yahoo deal as a game. Some articles, including the one linked above, referred to the specific type of a game called the chicken game, another name for […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Biology and game theory
In a recent article on the website, game theory was related to the politics in relations to the Tories. In the article,game theory’s selfish strategies and cooperative strategies are discussed and an interesting point about vampire bats were mentioned. Upon some searching, I came across and article in Science News further explaining the example […]

Posted in Topics: General, Mathematics, Science

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The Capuchin’s Ultimatum

Between two players, fairness, to the rational person, is seen is a 50:50 split. To illustrate an example let’s say there’s Kenny and Roger and these two players are to split $100 between themselves. Kenny has the task of proposing an amount and Roger can either accept or reject his offer. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Can Structural Holes Survive in a Digital Era? Evidence from “Mike” Says Yes!

Lately in class, we have been discussing the evolution of information networks. With the creation of these networks, we have all benefited from rapid search, aggregation of data from diverse sources, and presentation of data based on ratings of relevance. With such speedy access and facilitation of information flow, how could these information networks ever […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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