Archive for March, 2007

Success Story Using Google AdWords
The George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates is a health care practice in Washington D.C. One of the more popular services is their fertility care.  The media and marketing manager, David Garofalo, had previously used print and radio advertising to get perspective clients. Specifically he searches for potential egg donors. With print and radio advertising […]

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Less is More for Google
In class, we began to discuss how Google runs their auctions for their ad slots. But, one thing that this article brings to attention is the fact that Google runs fewer ads than its competitors. In a linked blog, we find that when “San Francisco Sushi” is searched on Google, we get 2 ads on […]

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Yahoo Unleashes New Weapon

HELFT, MIGUEL. “A Long-Delayed Ad System Has Yahoo Crossing It’s Fingers.” New York Times. 5 Feb. 2007.2p
 In class we have been dealing with models in which the slot an advertiser gets is based solely on their valuation of that slot. In reality, the value of a slot to an advertiser is not the only criteria […]

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Building a Network Theory of Social Capital

In his scholarly article “Building a Network Theory of Social Capital,” Nan Lin attempts to consider social capital as “assets in networks,” studying social networks in terms of social capital and the returns that investments in social capital can provide. Lin explains the notion of “capital” in terms of classical social and economic theories, though […]

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Win a Hummer H3 for $36.65!!!

In addition to the main types of auctions covered in class such as first- and second-price sealed bid auctions, a number of interesting buying and selling systems have been devised to suit specific needs. This article ( discusses Verizon Wireless’s use of a unique bid auction to simultaneously generate publicity and sales. Subscribers […]

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Google Plans to Move Forward
From lectures, we learn about the keyword-based advertising that Google and other search engines have. This way of advertising turns out to make $10-$20 billion per year, creating a massive market that companies fight over through an auction called the Generalized Second Price auction. This auction follows the idea of second-price sealed-bid auction for multiple […]

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The Google Pagerank Algorithm - and how it works.
In class we have been talking a lot about page rank and how it works. Well, this website takes the time to explain how google page rank works in detail.
Page rank is what google uses to determine relevance and importance in determining websites for its search results. PageRank actually says nothing about the content or […]

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Google’s Caching Feature- Spam Protection or Copyright Violation?
The above url links to a 2003 article from CNET news about Google’s caching feature.  When you query a search item through google, besides being able to click on the main link there is also a link labeled “cached,” which directs the user to a cached version of the website they wish to visit. Google introduced […]

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Why do people let themselves become too connected?

Its a question that pops up from time to time in newspaper articles (e.g. this BBC article ) and technology magazines: are we too connected? In other words, with the ever present cellphone at our collective sides are we too easy to reach? The worry is that as the number of networks we join increases, […]

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Microsoft Searches For Better Methods
Going along with what we have been learning about search, this article discusses some of the future fixes that Microsoft has planned in their hopes to overtake Google. Microsoft plans to look at how people refine unsuccessful searches, that is searches that did not retrieve the wanted results, in order to better provide results. This […]

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