Archive for March, 2007

Deviations from truthful bidding in Google’s ad auctions
Stanford economists say that under Google’s current auction system, inexperienced bidders often end up overpaying, while experienced ones funnel personnel and money that could be used for growing the company into instead figuring out how to beat Google’s system.
The problem is that Google says it is conducting a second-price auction using ideas from […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, Technology

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Wikipedia to Writers: Prove Your Expertise
            We all know that the internet is a large network that allows for easy dissemination of large amounts of information.  This is what has made Wikipedia such a powerful tool, as user submissions have resulted in 1.7 million articles in English alone.  What makes Wikipedia particularly useful is the anonymity of article submissions.  As […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Auctions and Networks to Affect Online Shopping

Every holiday season, I resort to doing the bulk of my shopping online because of the convenience and ease. And like any shopper, I always want to find the best price. I always find that I spend most of my time cross-referencing many online stores and checking the current auction prices on eBay. […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology, social studies

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On March 8th,’s stock soared 27% after it reported earnings of $420,175 on revenues of $3.6 million. This is paltry compared to industry leader Google’s earnings of $997.3 million on over $3 billion in revenues. However, any profitability reported by an internet company is a good sign as most tech companies have […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Baby Traffic
Well, I’m writing this blog entry about a slightly different topic than many may imagine; a more concerning one, I should think. The link above goes to a report on baby trafficking - a trade, as it were, that has been increasing in size in the last few years, as more Western people choose […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Price models in online advertising: CPA vs CPC

Google currently uses the Cost-Per-Click pricing model, where advertisers pay based on the number of clicks to their advertisements. The value that a business gets from such an advertising model ultimately has to do with the number of ‘actions’ that the advertising triggers in a consumer. In some cases, this is easy to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Maximizing Survival in Duels, Truels and N-uels

In an absolute sense, it is wise to say that survival is the most important thing to a human being. When it comes down to it, even wealth is second to health- realistically money is of no use when one can’t use it. As such it is not surprising that research has been done in […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Yahoo’s New Advertising Platform

Yahoo Search Marketing, formerly known as Overture, which was originally - the first pay-per-click advertiser, launched a new pay-per-click model February 5th.
Yahoo’s new advertising platform, codenamed Panama, takes both quality and bid-price into account when determining ad ranks. This is nothing new - Google is already doing it. Google’s AdWords […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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“Untruthfulness” in a Vickery Auction

Testing Vickery’s Revenue Equivalence Theory in Construction Auctions
Vickery, “second-price,” auctions are often used because of their characteristic of producing truthfulness within bidders. The inherent truth telling creates an auction which, in the long run, operates under true valuations, and procures socially optimum prices. However, the idealness Vickery auctions hold seems to sometimes dissolve when […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Google’s Holy Grail

Cracking Google’s Page Ranking
Lately it seems that anytime anyone talks about technology, all you ever hear about is “Google”. Google this, and Google that. Not only has Google weeded its way into daily conversations, but, ultimately, Google dominates, and is king of the Internet. A recent article discussed how, websites continuously vie to rank high […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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