Archive for March, 2007

Digg Swarm

Digg Swarm is an online visualization of what stories are popular on is a user generated news content site where users submit news stories that are interesting to them. Popular stories get “Dugg” to the top by other users of the site, and the most popular stories Get pushed to the front page […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Game Theory in Tennis

During our first few days of studying game theory, Professor Easley alluded to a study done on professional tennis matches that was similar to the Palacios-Huerta paper we read about the von Neumann Minimax Theory in professional soccer. You can find it at – “Minimax Play at Wimbledon” by Mark Walker and John Wooders. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Eisenhower Interstate System

Here I have chosen to analyze the overly simplistic model of the US interstate system (found at the link below) in terms of graph theory. I feel that several insights about networks may be gain by such an analysis despite the oversimplification already noted. Each city should be viewed as a node and each highway […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Vengeance Is Mine,Sayeth the Lord –But Scientists Differ
Most examples of game thoery discussed in class are primarily concerned with players maximizing their payoff; however, what if we were to introduce a new factor in which players had the option of attacking other players based on their actions? This articles addresses the reasons behind the drive for so many individuals to take action […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Axioms of page ranking algorithms
-or- (Click on full text PDF)
This article discusses ranking systems, specifically Google’s PageRank. An analogy between page ranking and social choice is examined. Page ranking is compared to agents (pages) preferring other agents (pages). This preference on the internet is found in links between pages.
The paper states that “the current practice of […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Facebook goes corporate
This article covers Facebooks new ventures of social networking. Facebook is a website that has been used in the past for Students at both the high school and college level to stay connected. Now facebook is attemting to cover new waters as it is now allowing a select few companies to use facebook as a […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Erdős number and electrical circuits

Paul Erdős (1913-1996) was one of the most prolific mathematicians of all time, having written about 1500 mathematical articles during his lifetime, mainly with co-authors. Due to his immense output and large number of collaborators (numbering 509), the concept of the Erdős number was concieved as a way to describe the “collaborative distance” between authors […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics

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Viruses Play Games
          Game theory is a concept that applies to not only humans but also to any biological population in the world. It has been used since the beginning of time, starting with the first species to inhabit the earth: viruses. In this article, two scientists undergo experiments to test their predictions that viruses have a […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science

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‘Closured’ into Sundance Film Festival

M-Dot Strange Finds a Way at Sundance
“M-dot Strange” is a 27 year old from San Jose, CA who has been making a movie titled “We are the Strange”. Before reading the article, the movie and the director had no relevance to me, but as someone who is interested in Sundance, I was introduced to […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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DNA-based Social Networking

This recent article in the Globe and Mail describes a new social network being cultivated online:, a network that links people based on their related genes. This website is being run by Genetrack Biolabs, Inc., a DNA testing lab that has, until now, primarily focused on paternity testing and legal investigations. Those interested in […]

Posted in Topics: General, Health, Technology

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