Archive for March, 2007

FOX reality TV show Unan1mous is a social exchange experiment

In an attempt to create a new television sensation, and hold on to large numbers of viewers, the FOX television network aired a show entitled Unan1mous last spring, directly after its hit American Idol. This show, which borrowed elements from both Big Brother and Deal or No Deal, featured nine contestants who lived together in […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Multi-Agent Modeling: Games on Networks

In class we alluded to the fact that a computer simulation is one method to show that the results of Network Exchange Theory could be replicated from probabilistic behavior rules enacted by computer programs. Not surprisingly there this method of computer simulation can be extended to explore a variety of other social phenomena. […]

Posted in Topics: Science, Technology, social studies

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Network Models in Civilization IV

In the PC game Civilization IV players take control of civilization races, and through a progression of time from 4000BC to 2050AD, the player aims to develop this civilization and win the game by any of the pre-defined 6 victory methods. One aspect of the game is technologies that act as prerequisites for actions the […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Power in Al-Qaeda

Article link:,,2031450,00.html
This article takes stock of the strength of Al-Qaeda on the anniversary of the 3/11 Madrid train bombings. It is interesting to look at the structure of Al-Qaeda, particularly after the war in Afghanistan which was purported to have largely disrupted it. This British report finds that Al-Qaeda is experiencing a resurgence, with […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Start-Up Aims for Database to Automate Web Searching

Link -
The contemporary notion that technology becomes obsolete as quickly as it’s developed has been applicable to many thing from processors to mp3 players, but not to the core of internet usability and ebusiness commerce - web searching. Historically web searching has been done by querying a search engine that has a repository […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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John Edwards: Campaign of the Future?

Article Link:
In this article, Donna Bogatin questions whether online social networks have benefited the campaign of former Senator John Edwards, a Democratic candidate for the 2008 election. She suggests that Edwards is trying to adopt a “User Generated Politics Approach,” but has failed. Bogatin defines this approach as using social networking […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Wikipedia-based search Engine

Recently Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales announced that he is planning to launch a new search engine within the year. Wales justified his new project by expressing his qualms with the current methods that major search engines use for finding “good” pages. He says that computers are bad at making judgments on how […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Blogs and Business

Investor’s Business Daily: Managing for Success
Blogs have become a popular networking source for all types of businesses. Besides having the potential of creating new customers and interest in one’s own company, blogs are a way in which companies can learn what others are saying about their own company to make improvements as well. Martin Schwimmer […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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I can’t get onto MSN!!!

Optical fibers are the bedrock of modern communications. Since its invention in the 1970’s over 300 million kilometers of optical fiber have been produced. One fiber has the ability to carry 60 millions simultaneous telephone calls. These amazing properties are being called to service everyday in our global information network. So when a 7.1 Richter […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Animal Contests as Evolutionary Games

 Evolution is the governing force in nature driving change towards more suitable strategies by animals to their environments. Evolutionary game theory is extremely useful when analyzing the strategies utilized by animals in animal contests - whereby two animals in an encounter can choose different strategies based on their ecotype (habitat), information structure, and pattern […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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