Archive for February, 2007

The Bidding Game
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned off a slice of electromagnetic spectrum for the use of wireless communication devices in July of 1994. What was estimated to be worth about $10 billion, turned out to garner $42 billion by early 2001 and there are still more licenses to be sold. What was successful about […]

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The Facebook News Feed & Its Role in the Strength of Weak Ties

The date was September 5, 2006, and Facebook, the enormously popular social networking website, unveiled its newest features: the “News Feed” and “Mini-Feed”. The first of the features appears on every Facebook member’s home page, showing their friends’ latest Facebook activities. The second feature, the Mini-Feed, is a module on each member’s profile […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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They Rule

We’ve looked at social networks extensively in the class, but mostly looked at isolated instances of social interactions within groups or organizations. Much interest lies in how social networks actually shape our society and the world around us. They Rule examines the elite who manage Fortune 500 companies and connects them to each […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Silicon Valley Social Networks

In “Social Networks in Silicon Valley,” a chapter of The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Emilio J. Castilla, Hokyo Hwang, and Mark and Ellen Granovetter profile the social networks and institutions that make Silicon Valley a unique social […]

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Networks of Objects and Things

Many of the networks discussed during the introductory phase of the class were ones in which the nodes represented humans, and the edges represented social ties. The Internet of Things is a neologism originally coined by Julian Bleeker, a media design and information science researcher, meaning both an environment in which everyday things are passively […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, Technology

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