Archive for February, 2007

Privacy Issues in Public Networks

Warnings Over Privacy of U.S. Health Network
The link above is an article from The New York Times by Robert Pear that raises several important questions about privacy issues in social networks. The Bush administration has a strong interest in creating a large electronic database of private health information that would be shared by different health […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Health

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Role of Gender in Forming Entrepreneurs’ Social Networks

Bat Batjargal, a Harvard researcher who has written extensively on the social networks of entrepreneurs in different cultures, has some interesting preliminary findings about the role of gender in shaping the structure of entrepreneurs’ social networks. The study concludes:
Men who are entrepreneurs have a lot in common with their female counterparts: They are young, energetic, […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Model of Networks as Random Graphs

Although we’ve seen many illustrations and schematics of networks in class, there hasn’t been much discussion of how we might analyze or model large networks, which are seemingly impossible to understand at a glance. The importance of being able to model large networks rather than simply looking at many examples of large networks is […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics

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100 Billion Neurons and A Surprisingly Few Steps

Huge numbers of brain cells may navigate small worlds
            Modeling the brain as a network is just one of the ways in which people have tried to understand the brain.  A “small world” idea was first introduced around forty years ago by Stanley Milgram, who created a study in which participants attempt to send a […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Strength of Strong Ties

The tightly knit village community is an element with which people from urban and suburban communities may be unaccustomed. Washington Post writer Shankar Vedantam describes the healing power of strong social ties for schizophrenia patients in such communities. Vedantam tells the story of a woman who recovered from schizophrenia thanks to “an embracing […]

Posted in Topics: Health

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Barack Obama launches Social Network

Link to Article
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has decided to launch a social networking site on his campaign site. This will essentially provide users and supporters with a facebook or myspace-like atmosphere. By creating a web 2.0 web site for his current supporters, these supporters will more than likely become a central hub for […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Social Networks in Shakespeare’s Plays

Shakespeare Social Networks
     As many of you have read Shakespear’s many plays and write ‘essays’ about them, you are probably familiar with the relationships among characters in his plays. For example, in Antony and Cleopatra, there is a strong relationship between Antony and Cleopatra (even you have not read this play, they are the main […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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“Social-Networking Sites Open Up”

Business Week Article The popular online social networking site, Facebook, as well as other social networking sites such as Friendster and Myspace are beginning to open up their Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), allowing third parties to essentially build their own applications using the content and function provided by these online social networks. The most […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Labeling Edges in a Firm Graph

            Earlier this semester, we discussed labeling the edges of a graph. A plus was given if the two nodes were friends, and a minus was given if the two nodes were enemies. This paradigm worked well in describing relationships among people. Not surprisingly, pluses and minuses can also be used to characterize relationships among […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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TouchGraph Visualizations

TouchGraph is a business that graphically represents a search term to other closely linked items of interest. For example, I searched for “The Matrix” and was presented with a web of movies related to my search. One such movie was “The Gladiator” which I clicked on and was able to expand my graph–or […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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