Archive for February, 2007

The New Network Economy of Hollywood

This article ( from discusses the new industry model in Hollywood, that of small businesses connected in a network. The article discusses how more and more outsourcing is being used to put together different parts of a movie in different areas with different companies taking the helm of the mini-projects that come together. This […]

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The New NYSE: A Hybrid Stock Market.
The article listed above discusses the decreasing role of specialists in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Within the past few months, the number of traders on floor of the stock exchange has dropped from 3,000 to 2,100. The cause of this decrease in specialists is due to the increased dependence on electric transfers. In […]

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Let us show you Silicon Valley

It appears that LinkSViewer has taken the next step by applying graph theory to a new business venture. This company is a “leading-edge Visual Network Analysis software and consulting firm” who actually take the connections between people and businesses and generate a network based on that information. They then sell the resultant picture as “a […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Whisper Me Your Secrets
If you have a secret that you wish to reveal to everyone and no one, without anyone knowing who you are, this is the place. ljsecret is a site where anyone can write down a secret on a “postcard” of their choosing (preferably one that has to do with the secret) and submit it. The […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Settlers of Catan

There are many games that have some element of trading in them, where one must interact with the other players (be they computers or humans) to get what one needs. One game that highlights many of the elements of trading is a popular board game called “Settlers of Catan”. This game has won many awards, […]

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Optimizing Traffic Flow

In class and the second homework we studied how users responded to a simple transportation network given certain costs for different segments. We saw that given a certain network, the nash equilibrium is not necessarily socially optimal (the joint strategy is not a social welfare maximizer). This fact is one problem facing urban […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, social studies

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Network Aspects of Social News Sites

 There are many categories of social software, a crucial part of Web 2.0.  Websites such as Flickr and YouTube are in the media category, while Facebook and MySpace are in the networking category.  These areas dominate the mainstream press when compared to the social bookmarking category.
 Despite the relatively low mainstream press exposure, many tech-savvy users follow the growth of social bookmarking sites as newcomers enter […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, Technology, social studies

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Can Network Theory Thwart Terrorists?

In his New York Times article “Can Network Theory Thwart Terrorists?”, author Patrick Radden Keefe discusses the recent applications of network theory by the CIA and other organizations in order to stop terrorists. Keefe discusses an early network created by Valdis Krebs in which Krebs used shared addresses, telephone numbers, and frequent flier miles to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Strength of relationships formed on Social Networks

The entire foundation of the internet is based on the concept to share information. The development of social networks on the internet has gone through some changes since the creation of the internet, and these changes are what this course has inspired me to think about as of late.
I will share a bit of personal […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Heartbreak diamonds find new homes online
The attached article discusses a new auction site that connects people who want to buy or sell engagement rings. This is a relatively new market because the sellers all broke up before marriage and are looking to sell their ‘heartbreak diamonds’.
This auction site came into existence because the creator found that upon […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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