Archive for the 'Education' Category

Information Cascades, the Movie Industry, and Beyond,1,1850294,full.story?coll=la-headlines-magazine&ctrack=1&cset=true
It is a mystery to the even biggest Hollywood producers why some films that have 100 million dollar plus budgets fail while films sporting just a 60,000 dollar budget, such as the Blair Witch Project, go on to make millions.  A Los Angeles Times article entitled “Meet Hollywood’s Latest Genius” theorizes that it is the […]

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MLB’s Bidding Policy on Japanese Players (Begin at paragraph starting with “By 2005…”) (Starting with paragraph (9) to paragraph (12))
Baseball clubs in Major League Baseball are always trying to out compete each other in order to win a championship at the World Series. This competition occurs not only […]

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Information Cascades and Network Effects

Information Cascades seem to surround our everyday life. Think about what you’re doing right now, or what you’re wearing right now. Think about how you decided on your current car, or where you live, or even where to go to school. Many people evaluate all of their decisions with at least a […]

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Political Networks Reach Out to Established Youth Networks
In the New York Times article “Myspace Launches Politics Channel,” the plan for presidential candidates to come out on the Impact Channel on Myspace in an attempt to reach the younger online generation of voters was unveiled.  Political websites already exist, but this channel aims to directly target internet savvy voters by not only getting […]

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Applying Search Engine Advertising Auctions to the TV
Perhaps the most important advancement in the field of advertisement and maximizing revenue from advertising was Google’s innovation to auction off ad spots based on the keywords entered into their search engine. This enabled companies to display their ads only to search engine users who likely had some interest in their product–it would make no […]

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The Future Demand for Effective Web Page Filtering

            I’ve never really been a big user of blogs (this post will be my second ever) so I’m not sure if the system that has been set up for us has been successful or not by conventional standards.  That being said, one thing that bothers me about our NSDL resource is that […]

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Geo-tagging is website that allows users to create, share, and discover virtual Sticky Notes placed at specific locations using a mobile phone or the web. Socialight revolves around the idea of location-based information also known as geo-tagging. You can create Stickies which can contain text and photos, and soon will be able to add sound […]

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A Spring Break Inspired Look at the Air Transportation Network

This post is inspired by my Spring Break trip to Europe. Anyone who flew out of the northeast the Friday before break probably experienced the same headaches I did due to canceled flights, long delays, and generally unhappy and unhelpful airline service reps. I figured that storms were a common problem for airlines and was […]

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Bandwagon effects and Groupthink

Today, professor Easley talked about information cascade, which was really interesting to me because sometimes I just followed my friends or other groups of people even though it was not exactly what I wanted to do. After the class, I was looking for other examples of ‘information cascade’ and I found many related topics to it. […]

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Information Cascades in the Classroom

Summary | Full Article (JSTOR)
This article shows how Information Cascades can be demonstrated in a very controlled setting. The example is in a classroom with 3 urns, 3 blue marbles and 3 red marbles. The teacher puts 2 blue marbles and 1 red marble in the first urn (urn A) and 1 blue marble and […]

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