Geo-tagging is website that allows users to create, share, and discover virtual Sticky Notes placed at specific locations using a mobile phone or the web. Socialight revolves around the idea of location-based information also known as geo-tagging. You can create Stickies which can contain text and photos, and soon will be able to add sound clips and video. You can subscribe to different channels and view rich media listings using your mobile phone. Some ways that it can be used is for restaurant reviews from people that you trust or take a walking tour of virtually tagged landmarks around a city. Socialight can notify you on your mobile phone any time you’re near a Sticky.
This relates to decentralized networks since anyone can add stickies to the map. Information is cascading from the bottom up. The service is creating a network whose locations act as an organizing filter for information. Channels can bring people together who have a common interest in a location. This allows information to potentially cascade more easily. Also, you can control who sees the information, which creates another way to view social networks plotted on a map.

Posted in Topics: Education

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