Archive for the 'Education' Category

Getting Rich in the Blogosphere

Blogs to Riches 
(This article contains a few instances of language that some may find objectionable.)

This article looks at the growth of blogging as a source of income through advertising, and examines the factors that lead to the differential success (in terms of advertising revenue generated) of blogs.  Blogging as a ‘job’ has very few barriers to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Google taking advertising method to radio and print
In class we have studied keyword based advertising on the internet: a way to selectively place ads based on search engine keywords, to better streamline the advertising process and avoid ads hitting the wrong markets.  Google has pioneered this method and it has been very succesful for their online business.  Now, Google is looking to […]

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Study Finds Shark Overfishing May Lower Scallop Population
The food chain is a perfect example of a natural graph. This dependency network graphs different species as nodes, and links them to other species/nodes that they consume. However, what would happen if you increased the “flow” along one of these edges? How would this effect the rest of the chain? In a recent study, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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sniper trap cheating eBay
This article discusses a “sniper trap” on eBay. The idea is that the seller and a friend attempt to raise the bids on an eBay auction. As the auction is closing, the seller’s friend poses a fairly high bid, thereby triggering the secret bids of genuine bidders. These secret bids are revealed […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Political Google-Bombing

The canonical example of political Google-bombing was perpetrated in October of 2003, when a large group of bloggers linked the terms “ miserable failure” to George W. Bush’s official White House site biography. Indeed, the internet is one series of tubes that is rife with such politically motivated chicanery. One example, though perhaps not […]

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Social Networking Systems and Web Information Retrieval

As beefcake points out in a recent post, there is significant need for effective web page filtering. Due to the web’s monolithic size and the dynamic nature of its content, effective filtering becomes very difficult. In class, we focused on exploiting the hyperlink structure of the web to rank pages relevant to a […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Pink Sheets Stock Market
The article describes the techniques scammers use to profit from the lightly regulated pink sheets stock market. This stock market is known for trading stocks that don’t meet the requirements to be on a larger stock exchanges such as the NYSE. Most of these stocks, which trade at low prices and volumes, are “shell companies,” […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Learning in Webs

Circumnavigating the blogosphere today was an article entitled “How to Ace Your Finals Without Studying”. Naturally, as any student would, I read the article hoping to find some divine secret to enable me to ace tests without studying.
The premise of the article is that it is much more efficient to study in a way […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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We’re sophisticated movie-goers, not lemmings

Movie Stars, Big Budgets, and Wide Releases: Empirical Analysis of the Blockbuster Strategy, a paper by Arthur De Vany and W. David Walls
Does the blockbuster strategy really make people herd to the movies? This is the theory that strong advertising, big-name stars, and huge opening nights are what make movies successful. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Cascading Grades

This week, the USA Today printed an article titled “Princeton leads in grade deflation,” which addresses grade inflation at American universities, specifically, the Ivy League. I hope to show that Cornell should follow Princeton’s lead by discussing how inflation starts, why it is hard to leave, its consequences, and a potential fix.
The start of […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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